12 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
We are here with your 12 Weeks Pregnant Guide to help you know about your Baby’s phase in your womb, Diets, and Precautions you should follow.
The fetus has grown and developed beyond any recognition from the beginning of pregnancy until your 12 weeks pregnant stage.
The risk of miscarriage will drop this week to a great extent. Also, your pregnancy symptoms may reduce a bit as the hormones are finally settling down.
Your very own 12 Weeks Pregnant Guide states this to be the final week which will complete your first trimester of pregnancy. You are very much in control with your temptations in 12 Weeks Pregnant Phase.
So Let’s dive and explore 12 Weeks Pregnant Guide to learn more.
12 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 12th week pregnancy?
- Common problems you will experience in the 12th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should I take during week 12 of pregnancy?
- How is my baby growing and developing during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 12th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 12th week of pregnancy
- How will I feel during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- What changes will I experience during week 12 of pregnancy?
- How will I look like during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- What should I eat during the 12th week of pregnancy, Which food should I avoid during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 12th week of pregnancy, What should I discuss with the doctor in 12th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures I should have in the 12th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to take supplements during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- How should I start preparing for the baby’s birth in 12th week pregnancy?
1) 12 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 12th week pregnancy?
By week 12 of pregnancy tiredness and nausea will begin to reduce. However, you may start feeling a bit dizzy and may experience a headache.
You will not yet be showing off the baby bump. But you will notice a slight gain in weight.
[Search: Check Your Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator]
Your clothes will be getting tighter at the waistline and near the bum area. Start investing in your clothes for pre-pregnancy. Stock up on loose, comfortable clothing.
- Mood swings – You may continue to experience emotional highs and lows. The hormonal levels will still continue to affect your mood. Make sure that you stay out of conditions that can stress you out. Try to remain positive and peaceful.
- Vaginal discharge – If you notice a clear, odorless discharge from your vagina, there is nothing to worry. This is being done to protect your vagina from any kind of bacterial infections. However, you must contact your doctor if you have a greenish, pink, brown or yellow discharge during 12 weeks pregnant phase. This can be a sign of preterm labor or any infection.
- Aches – Headaches start intensifying from the 12th week of pregnancy. They may be a reason for the drop in blood sugar levels, hormonal shifts, stress, dehydration or lack of sleep. To deal with the headache symptoms pay attention to what is causing this and try to avoid the reasons. If you have a headache which is severe like migraine or which you have never experienced before then talk to your doctor.
[ Check: Search 10 Visible Symptoms of Baby Boy In Womb]
- Burning Sensation – You may also start to feel a burning sensation which is from the breastbone bottom to your lower throat. This symptom is referred to as Acid indigestion or heartburn. Many pregnant women may experience it for the first time while pregnant.
- Faintness or Dizziness – Changes in blood pressure and hormone shifts may make you feel dizzy during pregnancy. You can reduce the intensity of this symptom by drinking a lot of water and eating frequent meals in small portions. You can also lie down or sit for a while and check with the doctor.
If you have twins than it is likely to experience morning sickness symptoms at its peak during your 12 weeks pregnant stage. But keep in mind that all these symptoms will soon improve.
2) Common problems during 12th week pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in the 12th week of pregnancy?
In week 12 of pregnancy, you may feel less nauseous than the previous weeks but you will be soon experiencing symptoms like constipation and heartburn.
The uterus starts to grow and expand by week 12 and it is difficult for it to stay within the pelvic area.
Due to this, you may feel the uterus over the pubic bone top. Due to this your regular clothes will start to get tighter and uncomfortable.
[Check: Search 14 Visible Symptoms Of Baby Girl In Womb]
Some women may also observe that red bumps or dark patches on the skin. If you are worried about any of the problems getting severe, you must contact your doctor.
3) Precautions/Warning during week 12 of pregnancy
What are the precautions you should take during week 12 of pregnancy?
Diet – It is common sense that you have a baby growing inside you and you will need extra nutrients and calories through your diet to support the growth and development of the baby.
- You must eat foods rich in calcium content. Eg. Milk and milk products.
- Fatty acids like omega 3 must be included in the body by consuming nuts or fish. It is required for the development of the brain, nerves, and eyes.
- Include all food groups in your pregnancy diet plan.
- Get your daily intake of Vitamin D from foods such as light tuna, egg yolks, salmon, fortified milk, fish liver oil etc. You can also expose to sunlight to fulfill the requirement of vitamin D.
- Take folic acid and iron supplements as recommended by your doctor.
- Do not eat seafood with mercury and toxic compounds which can be very dangerous for the growing baby.
- Do not consume undercooked or raw meat, seafood, eggs etc since they contain disease-causing microorganisms.
[Check: Search for Second Month Pregnancy Diet Chart]
If you are taking certain medicines for the pre-existing diseases than you must show it to your doctor.
He will suggest you if it is ok to safely consume them during pregnancy or change it.
- Avoid taking treatments which include exposure to radiations or X-ray etc. It can affect the growth and development of your baby.
- You must avoid going to saunas or hot tubs since the environment temp is higher than the normal temperature of the body.
- Stop smoking as it can be even life-threatening for the fetus. It can cause many health risks, decrease the birth weight, decrease the immunity, cause developmental problems or infections in the fetus. It can also cause sudden infant death syndrome.
- Avoid caffeine altogether or minimize it to 200 mg per day which comes to up to 2 cups a day. It can cause many birth defect or premature birth.
- Drinking alcohol is very injurious to health during pregnancy as it can hamper the fetus growth or cause birth defects like fetal alcohol syndrome.
4) Baby Growth and Development in Week 12
How is your baby growing and developing during the 12th week of pregnancy?
During the 12th week of pregnant phase, the nerves and baby’s brain are developing so fast.
This is the time to develop reflexes the baby’s mouth makes sucking motion, can curl its toes and fingers, he can clinch the eye muscles.
You may not be able to feel all these movements. But this development process in the brain is happening very fast.
The brain has also started to produce hormones.
The baby starts to look more and more human now since the ears and eyes are at the designated places on the sides and front of the head, respectively.
Babies intestines have developed very fast and they may be protruding into the umbilical cord.
They start to contract and relax which leads to healthy digestion. They will move in the abdominal cavity shortly.
Kidney has also started excreting urine into its bladder.
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The bone marrow of the baby develops and starts producing white blood cells.
These WBC’s will fight with infection-causing cells and keep them healthy and good.
Baby’s pituitary glands will start to develop and produce its own hormones.
The placenta has started to filter oxygen and nutrients to help the baby grow.
5) Baby Size in the 12th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 12th week of pregnancy?
In the 12th week pregnant guide, your baby is approximately 5.4 cm long and is the size of a lime.
6) Parental care during the 12th week of pregnancy
What parental care is needed during the 12th week of pregnancy?
At 12 weeks pregnant stage, the first trimester is almost getting over. Now morning sickness, nausea and vomiting symptoms are going to reduce slowly.
You can decide on some things such as when to inform your boss about pregnancy and decide on your maternity break etc.
Shortly you will have your next prenatal appointment. Here your doctor will discuss with you about the symptoms that you may be experiencing.
Furthermore, he will also recommend certain routine tests which were done during your initial appointment. This time they will be less extensive.
The doctor will recommend a 12 week ultrasound scan or some screening procedures.
This may help to look for some genetic abnormalities. If you have any doubts or questions then you may discuss it with the doctor.
7) Changes in feelings in the 12th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 12th week of pregnancy?
What changes you will experience in feelings during the 12th week of pregnancy?
This is the time when you may start to get your energy back. The symptoms of feeling sick will start to disappear slowly and you will feel good.
Many women feel relaxed as the risk of miscarriage is decreased now and many couples also feel that this is the time when they can break the news to their closed ones.
However, you may still experience mood swings and may also feel extra sensitive than what you usually are.
8) Changes in the 12th week of pregnancy
What changes you will experience during week 12 of pregnancy?
In 12th Week of Pregnant Phase, you will continue to notice some changes in the body. You will feel the enlarged uterus at the top of your pubic bone area.
This will make you feel uncomfortable in your regular clothing. Invest in some loose maternity clothes at this stage.
You may notice that you have gained weight on your thighs, sides, and waist.
Around 12th week, you will feel a bit of constipation and heartburn-like symptoms. Some women also notice red or dark patches on their skin.
9) Change in look during the 12th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during the 12th week of pregnancy?
You will not look pregnant at this stage especially if it is your first pregnancy. If you have had your first child than you start showing earlier.
Your uterus will be much larger and you will notice to see dark patches or red bumps on your skin. These changes will disappear after pregnancy.
However, you must protect the sensitive skin by using sunscreen and appropriate clothing.
10) Diet during the 12th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 12th week of pregnancy?
Which food you should avoid during the 12th week of pregnancy?
- Fresh fruits and Vegetables – It is best to eat fresh fruits like the ones present in can have preservatives in them which can cause acidity.
Fruits have the presence of vitamins, dietary fiber, antioxidants, natural sugar, water etc. Start eating fruits which can encourage an increase in weight like guavas and bananas.
You must also consume green leafy vegetables, broccoli, beetroot etc which provide with a lot of essential nutrients.
- Carbohydrates – Add whole grain foods and simple carbohydrates like atta, bread, potatoes, rice etc in your meals.
They suffice your body’s needs of carbohydrates which provide energy to the body.
Never choose complex sugars such as chocolates, ice creams, pastries etc which will give you unhealthy calories.
- Meat products – Make sure that you include mutton, fish, and chicken to your food.
It is an excellent source of proteins and minerals. It has to be cooked well with hygiene.
- Folic acid and Iron – Folic acid and iron are very important for the growing fetus.
Failing to meet the requirements of folic acid can cause birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc.
Eat chikoo, bran, oatmeal, light tuna, beetroot, potatoes, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, eggs, oranges etc since they are very good sources of folic acid and iron.
- Milk and milk products – Choose pasteurized milk products because they are safe and manufactured under hygienic conditions.
The baby needs minerals and calcium which are present in milk products. So consume a lot of curds, yogurt, milk, cheese etc.
There is a list of food items that you must not include in your pregnancy diet chart.
It is best to exclude the following foods –
- Seafood having methyl mercury in them is unsafe to eat since it can affect the brain functions in the fetus.
- It is natural to feel food craving for junk food like pizza, fries, tandoori chicken, chaat etc during this phase. However, you must avoid eating them as you have no control over its hygiene. These foods may contain pathogenic microorganisms which can cause food poisoning.
- Eating tinned foods like the pickle, tinned peas, pineapples etc is not a good choice during pregnancy. They are laced with a lot of preservatives plus excess salt and sugar. May also have artificial flavors added which are harmful to the baby.
- Do not eat unpasteurized milk products such as soft cheese etc. They may have the presence of infections like Listeria which can cause life-threatening complications.
11) Sex during the 12th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 12th week of pregnancy?
First of all, you must be sure that you or your partner is not suffering from any kind of sexual diseases.
If everything is Ok it is safe to have sex during pregnancy unless your doctor has refrained you from having sex due to certain complications.
12) Doctor consultation in the 12th week of pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 12th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
You may be having your next prenatal appointment scheduled for week 12 of your pregnancy.
Your doctor will discuss with you about the symptoms that you are experiencing and will also guide you based on your weight, blood tests or any other tests that the doctor thinks are necessary.
In some cases, doctors recommend a 12-week ultrasound scan and other screenings as well to check on the growth and development of the baby.
13) Test/ Procedure in the 12th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 12th week of pregnancy?
The doctor will perform routine blood tests, urine tests, weight etc.
However, the tests will be less extensive this time. He may use a Doppler machine test to check the baby’s heartbeats.
Some doctors also suggest performing ultrasounds to check for any genetic abnormalities and check the pregnancy development.
During this appointment, you must discuss with the doctor if you have any doubts or questions.
[Check: Search For Gynecologist In Your Area]
During the ultrasound, you will have to drink water before the scan which will push the uterus in a better position. This scanning will be done for around 15-30 minutes.
You will also get a better idea of your due date at this time. It will examine the fetus for any kind of chromosomal abnormalities.
The levels of HCG hormone can also indicate any kind of abnormalities in chromosomes in the fetus.
14) Supplements in the 12th week of pregnancy
Do you need to take supplements during the 12th week of pregnancy?
You must also eat healthy and nutritious food in addition to the medical supplements
The gynecologist will prescribe you to take folic acid supplements.
This is very important to save your baby from autism-like disorders and be safe from any kind of birth defects such as spina bifida.
Doctors may also prescribe calcium, iron, and vitamin D supplements as well based on your requirement.
Eat natural sources of folic acid such as yogurt, cheese, milk as well as green vegetables.
Milk and fish like salmon will provide you vitamin D.
Consume fish, meat, chicken, and iron-fortified breakfast cereals.
15) Important points to know during the 12th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 12th week of pregnancy?
In the 12th week of pregnant phase, you may have your second doctor’s appointment scheduled.
During this time, the doctor will want to get some additional procedures or screenings done like chorionic villus sampling or a 12-week scan to check for genetic abnormalities.
These tests will be necessary if you have a history of genetic conditions going on within the family.
Your nausea and morning sickness symptoms will reduce gradually from now onwards.
You may experience heartburn, dizziness and constipation problems instead.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby
How should you start preparing for baby’s birth?
This is the time when you must prepare for the birth of the baby by getting checked for bacterial and viral infections. They may affect your developing baby as well so you cannot take any risks.
Get all the blood tests done for infections such as chicken pox, sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis etc.
Talk to your doctor if you are worried about a specific disease or infection which can affect your baby.
Start investing in comfortable maternity wear which can help you to be comfortable during pregnancy.
Discuss with your partner on how you are going to handle the new baby expenses which will include many things such as diapers, toys, foods and baby gear.
Start saving gradually to avoid last minute financial crisis. Also, you must discuss with your partner now about sharing this news with your relatives, friends etc.
It is a very personal choice and you can do it as and when you are comfortable. Before sharing it with your employer, you must check for all the maternity policies of your company.
This way you can think and then discuss with your boss about your expectations.