13 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
Baby Organs start to develop and the baby is growing faster now. This is the time when you have covered 1/3rd of your pregnancy so its time to refer 13 weeks pregnant guide. The morning sickness symptoms will reduce and you will start to gain weight gradually.
At this time, many couples decide to break the news of the pregnancy to their family and friends. But it is a completely personal preference. The fetus is developing at a rapid pace inside the uterus. The head is still bigger in proportion to the rest of the body but the facial features are taking shape.
Now you must have a lot of questions like how big is baby, what should I eat and many more so don’t worry we have answers to most of your worries.
13 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 13th-week pregnancy?
- Common problems you will experience in the 13th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should I take during week 13 of pregnancy?
- How is my baby growing and developing during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 13th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- How will I feel during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- What changes will I experience during week 13 of pregnancy?
- How will I look like during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- What should I eat during the 13th week of pregnancy, Which food should I avoid during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 13th week of pregnancy, What should I discuss with the doctor in the 13th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures I should have in the 13th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to take supplements during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- How should I start preparing for the baby’s birth in the 13th-week pregnancy?
1) 13 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 13th-week pregnancy?
In week 13 of pregnancy, you will start noticing the following symptoms –
- Visible Veins – Your blood flow increases during pregnancy which makes way for the blue lines on your skin. They are actually the veins inside the body.
- Feel energetic – This week may bring back your lost energy. Once you start to get the energy back you will feel yourself and feel pumped to do a bunch of works. This is a good time to start with your exercise and fix a fitness routine. Exercise will keep your body flexible, active and fit. It will also make your labor smoother.
- Enhanced sex drive – You may notice an increase in your sexual drive during week 13 of pregnancy. Post sex, if you experience a slight spotting do not worry. It is normal as the cervix has become more sensitive. However, if the bleeding is heavy than check with your doctor.
- Constipation – This is a common symptom that you will experience due to your hormones. The bowel movements become less effective due to which you may feel very uncomfortable. You must add some high fiber foods to your diet such as fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole-grain foods, etc.
- Heartburn – This symptom may continue throughout pregnancy. It happens because few of the stomach muscles cause the digestive acids to increase resulting in a burning sensation in the chest. Stay away from fatty or spicy foods. You can take an antacid to get some relief.
2) Common problems during the 13th weeks of pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in 13th week of pregnancy?
In 13th week of pregnancy, the symptoms of vomiting, nausea, and tiredness will get reduced.
However, you will start to feel pain or aches in the ligaments as your uterus starts to stretch to make space for your baby. It will generally happen when you are moving or try getting up while sleeping or sitting.
If you experience severe pain along with chills, fever, painful urination, vaginal bleeding etc. then call the doctor as soon as possible.
[Check: Third Month Pregnancy Care]
3) Precautions/Warning during 13 weeks pregnant
What precautions you should take during week 13 of pregnancy?
You have a baby growing inside you and you may need extra nutrients and calories through your diet to support the growth and development of a baby.
- Omega 3 Fatty acids must be included in the body by consuming nuts or fish. It is required for the development of the brain, nerves, and eyes.
- You must eat foods rich in calcium content. E.g. Milk and milk products. Make sure that they are pasteurized.
- Include all food groups in your pregnancy diet plan such as whole grains, proteins, fruits, vegetables, etc.
- Take folic acid and iron supplements as recommended by your doctor. You can also include natural sources of folic acid in diet eg. Beetroot, broccoli, etc.
- Get your daily intake of Vitamin D from foods such as light tuna, salmon, egg yolk, fish liver oil, fortified milk, etc. You can also expose to sunlight to fulfill the requirement of vitamin D.
- Don’t eat seafood with toxic compounds like mercury which can be very dangerous for the growth of the baby.
- Do not consume undercooked or raw meat, seafood, eggs etc. since they contain disease-causing microorganisms.
Avoid taking treatments that include exposure to radiations or X-ray etc. It can affect the growth and development of your baby.
If you are taking certain medicines for the pre-existing diseases than you must show it to your doctor. He will suggest to you if it is ok to safely consume them during pregnancy or change it.
Start doing exercise regularly. You can do brisk walks, jogging, swimming or yoga. Start with pelvic muscle exercises now will help you in less stress-free normal delivery. Check with your doctor about the recommended exercises for you.
Avoid caffeine as much as possible if you are a coffee lover. Caffeine has to be minimized to 200 mg per day which comes to up to 2 cups a day. It can cause many birth defects or premature birth. Remember that caffeine may be also present in certain other food items like chocolates. Start with the habit of reading labels.
It is not recommended to drink alcohol as it is very injurious to health during pregnancy. It can hamper the fetus growth or cause birth defects like fetal alcohol syndrome.
Stop smoking as it can be even life-threatening for the fetus. It can decrease the birth weight, because many health risks, cause developmental problems or infections in the fetus, decrease the immunity etc. It can also cause sudden infant death syndrome.
You must avoid going to saunas or hot tubs since the environment temp is higher than the normal temperature of the body.
4) Baby Growth and Development in 13 weeks pregnant
How is your baby growing and developing during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- In the 13th week of pregnancy or 4th month of pregnancy, the baby’s body starts to grow at a rapid pace to catch up with the head. The head measures almost 1/3 rd of its total length.
- Baby’s organs start to develop faster. Kidneys have started to function. Any amniotic fluid swallowed by the baby is taken out.
- The intestine moves into the abdomen which is their actual designated location from the umbilical cord where they developed.
- Baby has fingerprints on its tiny fingers. The skin is very thin and the organs and veins are clearly visible.
- If it’s a girl baby than she will have more than 2 million eggs in her both ovaries.
- Tiny bones are starting to form in her arms and legs. The skeleton of a baby will also begin developing, starting with the femur (thigh bone) and clavicle (collar bone).
- The placenta is also growing which has the function of serving all the needs of the developing fetus.
- This is a week when vocal cords of the baby start to develop. However, sound cannot travel from the uterus and you won’t be able to hear those cries or sounds now.
- The lungs of baby are developing and this week they may begin to take their first breaths. The oxygen would be provided to them through the umbilical cord since they have amniotic fluid surrounding them.
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5) Baby Size in 13th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 13th week of pregnancy?
In 13th week of pregnancy, your baby is approximately 7.4 cm long and is the size of a peapod.
6) Parental care during 13th week of pregnancy
What parental care is needed during the 13th week of pregnancy?
This is the time when the first trimester is getting over. But do not get over your healthy habits and lifestyle changes. You must focus on doing exercise, eating well, take your prenatal vitamins regularly, and avoid any type of harmful substances.
Ensure that you get enough calcium, iron, protein, folate through the diet even if you are on supplements. If you have any questions about your pregnancy, do not hesitate to call the doctor.
7) Changes in feelings in 13th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 13th week of pregnancy?
Many pregnant women feel much better when they are 13 weeks pregnant. They experience a reduction in morning sickness symptoms. This generally makes you feel very renewed and relaxed. Your sex drive may also boost during this time.
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8) Changes in 13th week of pregnancy
What changes you will experience during week 13 of pregnancy?
In week 13 of pregnancy, morning sickness will go away which will make many women feel relaxed and happy. Getting your energy back may also mean that your sex drive will enhance. Apart from that, you will experience a gradual increase in weight, around your waist and breasts.
The breasts will enlarge and look a bit lumpy. The nipples may also appear darker which is very normal during pregnancy.
[Check: Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator]
9) Change in look during 13th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during the 13th week of pregnancy?
By week 13 of pregnancy, you may notice that you have gained some weight.
Your uterus will also outgrow the pelvic area and start moving towards your abdomen. This combination may make you feel uncomfortable in regular clothes. So you must buy maternity clothing now.
Not necessary that you will start showing up by now, even with so many changes happening. Your thighs, waist, and hips will start to become thick and breasts will get enlarged.
The areolas around the nipples will appear dark in colour. It is advised to start applying anti-stretch mark oils or cream since now stretch marks will begin to form.
10) Diet during 13th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 13th week of pregnancy?
Which food you should avoid during the 13th week of pregnancy?
- Carbohydrates – Add simple carbohydrates and whole-grain foods such as cereals, atta, bread, rice, potatoes etc in your meals. They suffice your body’s needs of carbohydrates which provide energy to the body. Do not choose complex unhealthy sugars such as ice creams, chocolates, pastries etc which can give you unhealthy calories.
- Iron and Folic acid – These two components are very important for the growing fetus. Failing to meet the requirements of folic acid can cause birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc. Eat bran, oatmeal, chikoo, light tuna, potatoes, broccoli, beetroot, green leafy vegetables, oranges etc since they are very good sources of folic acid and iron.
- Fresh fruits and Vegetables – It is best to eat fresh fruits like the ones present in can have preservatives in them which can result in acidity. Fruits have a presence of dietary fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, natural sugar, water, etc. Start eating fruits which can encourage an increase in weight like guavas and bananas. You must also consume green leafy vegetables, broccoli, beetroot, etc which provide a lot of essential nutrients.
- Meat products – Ensure that you include mutton, fish, and chicken to your food. It is an excellent source of protein and minerals. It has to be cooked well with hygiene. Uncooked meat products can be an invitation to many food-borne illnesses.
- Milk and milk products – Select pasteurized milk products because they are safe and manufactured under hygienic conditions. The baby needs calcium as well as minerals that are present in milk products. So consume a lot of curds, yoghurts, milk, cheese, etc.
However, there are certain food items that you should not include in your pregnancy diet chart. It is best to exclude Seafood which has the presence of methyl mercury in them is unsafe to eat since it can affect the brain functions in the fetus.
You may experience food craving for junk food like pizza, burgers, restaurant tandoori chicken, chaats, etc during this phase. However, you must try and avoid eating them as you have no control over their hygiene. These foods can contain pathogenic microorganisms which can cause food intoxication and can be very risky for the fetus.
Eating tinned foods like pickle, tinned peas, pineapples, etc is not a good choice during pregnancy. They are laced with a lot of preservatives plus excess salt and sugar. May also have artificial flavours added which are harmful to the baby.
Do not eat unpasteurized milk products such as soft cheese etc. They may have the presence of infections like Listeria which can cause life-threatening complications.
11) Sex during 13th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 13th week of pregnancy?
Having sex when you are 13 weeks pregnant is completely safe. You will also experience a boost in your sex drive. Make sure that you and your partner are safe from any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
Also if you have any history of preterm labor or miscarriage than you must talk to your doctor. In many cases, a doctor will refrain to-be-parents from having sex. In such cases do not attempt intercourse as it can harm the baby.
[Check: Third Month Pregnancy Diet Chart]
12) Doctor consultation for 13 weeks pregnant
Do I need to visit a doctor in 13th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
By week 13 of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage gets very much less. Although, there will be some women who can be at risk of miscarriage so you must check for any signals which can indicate that things are going wrong.
You may experience slight cramps in your tummy. If you notice severe cramps than check with your doctor. If there are any doubts or questions about the new symptoms then discuss with your doctor and make sure that nothing is wrong.
13) Test/ Procedure in 13th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 13th week of pregnancy?
This time you will be in between your scheduled prenatal doctor’s appointments. There are no special procedures or tests to be done this week. However, there will be many of them in the coming weeks so start to research them. One such procedure is amniocentesis. It will be done in the second trimester to check for genetic abnormalities.
[Check: Search for Gynecologists in your areas]
14) Supplements for 13 weeks Pregnant
Do you need to take supplements during the 13th week of pregnancy?
Your doctor must have recommended you to eat healthy, balanced and nutritious foods along with the medical supplements. It is important since it helps in saving your baby from birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc. You must also take iron, calcium and vitamin D supplements.
Natural sources of vitamin D are milk, fish like salmon, fortified cereals, etc. Folic acid is present in cheese, milk, yogurt, avocados as well as green vegetables. Iron is present in pulses, beans, seeds, and nuts.
15) Important points to know during the 13th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 13th week of pregnancy?
It is so thrilling to know that you are 13 weeks pregnant and you have completed the first trimester. Now the risk of miscarriage has reduced to a great extent.
To make sure that the risk stays minimal in the coming weeks continue eating healthy and nutritious foods that have all nutrients necessary for growth such as proteins, iron, folic acid, calcium etc.
You must also exercise moderately. Do not perform strenuous exercises but do mild workout to stay active and improve your health and of developing baby.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby in 13 weeks
How should you start preparing for a baby’s birth?
By 13th week of pregnancy, you must have completed 1/3 rd of pregnancy. You will have a lot of time to prepare for the baby’s birth. But for now, start making preparations and arrangements at work.
Start discussing with your employer about your work during the rest of your pregnancy and when you will need maternity leave. If you are going to work during pregnancy, ensure that your work profile is safe for you and baby.
This week you will experience enhanced levels of energy and morning sickness will also be reduced. Enjoy this new phase and break out the good news to your loved ones.