5th Month Pregnancy Care – Symptoms, Precautions and Baby Growth
Welcome to 5th month pregnancy. This is an exciting month as lot of new things take place. And by the end of this month you will be half way through your pregnancy. So be excited. However, it is possible to feel some fifth month pregnancy symptoms like pregnancy aches and pains. Not a surprise. This is because your tummy is stretching to accommodate the growing foetus. Officially, this month marks the onset of your pregnant appearance.
Get ready for a numerous compliments on your glowing skin, cute maternity clothing and the overall pleasant appearance of a mommy to be. You will undergo your first ultrasound scan at this point. The feeling is going to be so surreal and breathtaking. At this stage you will also notice that baby becomes more sensitive to the environment outside uterus. You may often feel baby reacting badly to high pitched noises. He may start to kick in response of dislike.
BABY DEVELOPMENT in 5th month Pregnancy
Your baby will undergo some rapid development from here on. Below we have mentioned some great developments that are happening inside your womb. The weight of the foetus doubles during the final two weeks of fifth month of pregnancy.
- Legs of the baby are not in proportion to rest of the body and are longer than his arms. They would be bent at the ankles and knees.
- Bone ossification would continue due to regular deposition of calcium.
- The blood vessels will start to get visible inside baby’s translucent skin.
- Reproductive system will be developed. For a girl child, ovaries with minimum 3 million eggs will be present and if it’s a boy the testicles will be visible near abdomen.
- The nipples are prominent on baby’s chest.
- The fluoride consumed via water everyday will help to speed up the teeth enamel development. Teeth will also be formed inside gums.
- Your baby is now expressive. He can yawn, stretch and make faces.
- Your baby develops his own unique fingerprints.
- Kidneys are fully developed and start functioning by the end of fifth month. The foetus starts to make its own urine.
- Baby’s skin is covered by vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance.
- The length of your baby will measure about 10 inch and weight approx 300 to 450 gm.
5th Month Pregnancy symptoms
Now your uterus is of the size of cantaloupe, the ligaments of the abdomen will start stretching up and stretch marks will be visible. So start applying a stretch mark cream or oil if you are not using one. You must have started wearing maternity clothing as well.
Additionally, you may be begin to get 5th month pregnancy symptoms such as leg cramps, backaches and swelling in your ankles and feet. Buy a pregnancy pillow and cradle to get ease from all theses discomforts. A good quality pregnancy pillow and some support for the pelvic area will help you in sleeping better during rest of the pregnancy as the discomforts get increasingly more troublesome.
Must Check – Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator
Also the appetite increases this month as you feel hungry and sometimes tend to eat whatever that you see. Some others are adjusting with the pregnancy cravings whereas others are slowed down due to indigestion and heartburn issues. Furthermore, your hair and nails are probably stronger and healthier than they ever have been. Pamper yourself with a pedicure or manicure and enjoy.
- Start to maintain an ideal posture so as to avoid any muscle strain as your center of gravity is changing because of the growing bump and the extra weight.
- Sleep comfortably since the sciatic nerve would begin to feel the stress because of increasing weight of the baby. This may cause discomfort. Sciatic nerve travels from spine and continues through buttocks till legs.
- When you already have a baby and this is your second pregnancy, it is advised that you train your toddler to be independent. Lifting child is not advised so make use of pram instead.
- Do not feel embarrassed to wear a pregnancy girdle if you feel the need. It is a big relief to wear pregnancy girdle to support increasing weight of abdomen.
- Lifting heavy is a strict NO but there are a few moms who have nil support system, in such cases lift the weight using the biceps in your arms and don’t put pressure on the center of your body.
- Even in winter season you may suddenly experience hot flashes, which happens due to increase in blood supply of the body.
- The visibility of veins in your body specially legs gets more visible. If you are overweight, then the probability of suffering from varicose veins increases.
- Your feet may start paining when you are standing for long hours.
- You may experience parenting jitters. So mood swings may reoccur.
- You start doubting yourself whether you can be a good mother. This is only because of hormones and because you see the bump growing now. Don’t worry, its completely natural.
- Another prominent fifth month pregnancy symptoms is that your breasts will begin to swell and increase in size. Buy a prenatal bra for extra comfort.
- Some women develop pigmentation because of the hormonal surge, which will also affect your vision. However, these changes are temporary.
- Fine marks may appear on leg areas due to increased blood pressure and volume. Wear supportive stockings, and also walk regularly which will help to relieve the discomfort.
PRECAUTIONS during pregnancy to be taken in the Fifth month
1) Wear Comfortable Clothing
Since your abdomen is getting round due to stretching of muscles, your clothes used before getting pregnant will not fit you anymore. They will not be able to accommodate the increasing size of your bump. It is a must to invest in some good quality maternity clothing at this point. Choose soft fabrics such as linen and cotton. Opt for pastel or light shades instead of bright colours for a pleasant mood.
2) Fibrous Foods
Constipation problems would still continue so eating high fibrous foods is advised for smooth bowel movements. It is also important to drink a lot of water as high fibrous foods absorb a lot of water in the gastrointestinal tract.
3) Rashes
Some of the areas of your body such as the groin, underarms, and under the breasts are subjected to rashes. This is due to excess heat in the body. Taking a shower as a part of pregnancy care will help to calm the rashes that would eventually go away.
4) Sitting Posture
Maintaining good posture is very important all the times. When at work provide a proper support to your back and also start with habits of sitting straight. Take occasional break when you have to sit for long time. This is applicable both at work or home.
5) Sleeping Posture
Sleeping on the left side daily night, will ensure a healthy circulation to uterus. Ensure usage of many pillows to keep yourself cushioned in between the legs and the back. Invest in pregnancy pillow that’s readily available with leading maternity brands.
6) Exercise and Fitness
You must continue to do physical exercise and stretching. Yoga also helps a lot in focussing your mind. Join classes of trained professionals and ensure that you don’t get over-strained. Trainer will guide you with new postures that suit your growing body and bump. If you feel tired, take power naps or lie down for a while. It will help you.
7) Think Positively
You must be stress free and include positive thoughts in your mind during pregnancy. Don’t worry too much and think about future. Some nice soothing music or a great book will help you in keeping your spirits elevated. Talk to your husband or doctor if you feel stressed about the upcoming responsibility of parenting. You can also join parenting forum websites on internet and share mutual feelings. Spend time with your family, friends as much as you can, which would bring positive thoughts in your mind and give you some sense of security.
8) Hunger Pangs
you may experience food cravings which are very weird and sudden urge to binge on food. Stock the refrigerator with nutritious foods such as nuts, fruits, juices and vegetables so that you eat properly. Binging on street food or junk food will make your nausea worst and also lead to stomach troubles such as acidity, gas etc.
9) Ultrasound
In the final week of 5th month of pregnancy ultrasound will be advised by your gynecologist. It would be so amazing to see the visuals of the foetus for the first time. It is a delight to see when your baby starts to kick inside and also begins to make faces. See that you click photos at this time.
10) Talk with Your Baby
You will love the feeling when your baby starts communicating with you by giving kicks as an response to your talking. This feeling is so lovely.
11) No Sudden Reflexes
Make sure to avoid reflexes like sudden standing and sitting. This may make you dizzy because sudden reflexes cause a drop in blood pressure. Be focused and perform your tasks slowly.
12) Alcohol, Caffeine to be avoided
Avoid coffee or alcohol at any cost. You are responsible for the little one growing inside you and be cautious of what is going in. Whatever you drink or eat will be reflecting on growth and development of your baby so stay away from any such addictions. Passive smoking is also risky for your baby even though it is inside the womb.
These are few important developments and changes during fifth month of your pregnancy. In spite of all the precautions, it is possible that a few issues may crop up. Ask for help. Stay happy, positive, relaxed and be worry free. Remember that this is a very unique and special experience of your life. You can always consult your gynecologist for any doubts or queries regarding how to take good care in 5th month of pregnancy. The only mantra for 5th month pregnancy care is simple, Relax and cushion up!
Tests Recommended During 5th MONTH OF PREGNANCY
During your visit to gynac, expect your doctor to conduct tests such as
- Test to check height and size of uterus.
- Abdominal examination.
- Weight checkup.
- Blood pressure.
- Heartbeat of the foetus.
- Skin and breast examination.
- Checking swollen veins, legs and hands.
- Activity of foetus.
- Hemoglobin tests.
- Blood test.
- Urine tests.
- Tests to examine chromosomal abnormalities.
- Glucose tolerance tests.
- HCG, AFP (alps-fetoprotein),and estriol multipurpose.
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