6 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
Wow, 6 weeks pregnant. Do you know the 6th week of pregnancy is an important time in the pregnancy phase? You must make sure that you are eating healthy and nutritious food as well as staying away from all bad habits. This is a very major period for growth of the baby.
The baby is developing many major body organs. It is going to resemble more and more like a human now. By now arms, eyes, and legs will start taking shape. You will be affected by the classic pregnancy symptoms of fatigue, morning sickness etc. It is very important that you schedule an appointment with your gynecologist if you haven’t till now.
6 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this Article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 6th-week pregnancy?
- Common problems you will experience in the 6th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should you take during week 6 of pregnancy?
- How is your baby growing and developing during the 6th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 6th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 6th week of pregnancy?
- How will you feel during the 6th week of pregnancy ?
- What changes will you experience during week 6 of pregnancy?
- How will you look like during 6th week of pregnancy?
- What should you eat during the 6th week of pregnancy, Which food should you avoid during the 6th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 6th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 6th week of pregnancy, What should you discuss with the doctor in 6th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 6th week of pregnancy?
- Do you need to take supplements during the 6th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 6th week of pregnancy?
- How should you start preparing for the baby’s birth in 6th week pregnancy?
1) 6 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 6th-week pregnancy?
Most of the symptoms are going to be the same as last week. The only difference is that now the symptoms are going to be a little more intense. You feel more nauseated, more tired, extra sensitive to smell etc. Be a little patient and remember that these symptoms are eventually going to subside.
[Check: Online Pregnancy Test]
- Your nipples and breast will be very sensitive now. The breasts will start to increase in size very fast and also the nipples become dark day by day. The areolas around the nipples will enlarge and get darker. This is a way that Mother Nature is making you ready for lactation.
- Many women may begin with their food cravings or food aversions. You will be surprised to see that you start liking the foods that you extremely hated before and vice versa. However, don’t eat unhealthy stuff just because you crave for it. Keep in mind that you need to evaluate the dietary and nutrition content of your cravings. Once in a while, you can pamper your street food cravings but keep them very limited.
- You will also observe a discharge from your vagina. If it increases more and is having a different smell or causing you irritation, check with your doctor. Keep in mind that it is very common to catch hold of a vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy. So keeping hygiene of vaginal area is of utmost importance.
- Some of you will experience extra production of saliva in their mouth which is quite normal.
- You may experience a constant headache during the 6th week of pregnancy. Avoid taking medications for this as much as you can. In fact, focus on home remedies such as taking a soothing massage, increasing your fluid intake or eating healthy. You can also lie down for a while or take a warm shower.
- If you are pregnant for the second time, you may notice that your clothes are slightly getting tighter near the bust line and waist.
2) Common problems during 6th-week pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in the 6th week of pregnancy?
In the 6th week of pregnancy, you will feel nausea, morning sickness. It happens at any time of the day or night and can get very inconvenient if you are not in the comfort of your home.
Many times it will lead to dehydration and losing nutrients from the body. If it gets too much, then talk with your gynecologist.
[Read: Second Month Pregnancy Care]
3) Precautions/ Warning during week 6 of pregnancy
What precautions should you take during week 6 of pregnancy?
6th-week pregnancy is a very important phase and it is very important that you take certain precautions. These will include –
- Minimize your caffeine intake. Avoid drinking tea or coffee as it is harmful to the growth and development of the fetus. Chocolates also have caffeine so you will have to check the labels of foods before consuming.
- This is the best time to quit drugs, tobacco, smoking, and alcohol if you were thinking about it since a while.
- Check with your doctor about the safety of any existing medicines that you take.
- Take folic acid and other supplements suggested by your doctor.
- Make sure that any meat products such as poultry, turkey, mutton etc. That you eat are completely cooked and safe.
- Do not consume unpasteurized dairy products.
- Drink only treated water.
- Wash all the fruits and vegetables thoroughly to avoid any bacterial infection or pesticides.
4) Baby Growth and Development in Week 6
How is your baby growing and developing during the 6th week of pregnancy?
In week 6 of pregnancy, the baby will be developing at a faster pace. No surprise that you feel very tired. This is because all your energy is being used in baby’s growth.
- The facial features will also start to develop. It will have a huge head now, small body and little buds from where the arms and legs will start to develop later.
- In week 6 baby’s chin, jaw, eyes, nose, inner ears and cheeks will begin to form.
- Baby’s heart will start to beat and circulate blood throughout its body. The heart will beat twice the rate of your heart.
- Many major internal organs such as kidneys, lungs, the liver will be developing in that little body.
- Due to all the changes happening, the embryo will start to appear as a C-shape with a head and tail.
6) Baby Size in the 6th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 6th week of pregnancy?
In week 6 of pregnancy, the baby is developing at a very fast rate but yet very tiny. It is around 0.63 cm approximately just like that of a lentil.
6) Parental care during the 6th week of pregnancy
What parental care needed during the 6th week of pregnancy?
At this time, the mother has already skipped her period and confirmed pregnancy. You have to schedule your first doctors to visit now if you haven’t done till now. The first appointment is always busy and a long one.
It will include an overall medical examination of you. You will be also asked about your medical history as well as the medical history of your family. The doctor will prescribe a variety of blood and urine tests as well. This is done mainly to identify if there are any health issues to be taken care of which can affect the pregnancy.
The doctor will discuss with you about healthy dietary habits as well as lifestyle changes that you will need to follow.
Don’t be afraid to ask your doubts and queries. You can also recommend your doctor for genetic testing or a few other tests which you think might help your baby.
[Check: Search for Gynaecologist in your Area]
7) Changes in feelings in the 6th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 6th week of pregnancy?
This is a very emotional time in a woman’s life. The feeling that you are pregnant is sinking in slowly and you realize that you have to act more responsible towards your body, health, and lifestyle.
You may have to give up on some of the pleasures that you enjoy such as alcohol, drugs, smoking etc. Your baby is at a crucial developmental stage and any bad habits can harm and hamper its growth.
Your period is overdue for 2 weeks and you have confirmed about pregnancy by taking the test by now. However, you may feel worried about miscarriage. This is a normal feeling. But important is that you don’t stress yourself.
You will feel very anxious and excited as the news of pregnancy turns into a reality. You will feel like shouting this news out to the world. But don’t hurry. Just wait for the right time to break the news i.e. preferably on completion of the first trimester.
8) Changes in the 6th week of pregnancy
What changes will you experience during week 6 of pregnancy?
In the 6th week of pregnancy, you will experience physical as well as emotional changes. You will start experiencing all the pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, tiredness, frequent urination etc.
Maybe your clothes are getting slightly tighter along the bust line and waist.
You may experience mood swings, feelings of depression or sadness in this time of pregnancy. Remember, that this is all happening because of the hormone levels in your body.
9) Change in look during the 6th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during 6th week of pregnancy?
In the 6th week of pregnancy, you will not look much different. You may feel that your clothes are slightly getting tighter and you have gained some weight. However weight gain is not so significant as many women reported that they didn’t notice weight gain at this time.
10) Diet during the 6th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 6th week of pregnancy?
Which food should you avoid during the 6th week of pregnancy?
You will have to begin practicing healthy dietary habits. Eat balanced, healthy and nutritious food to support the growth and development of your little one.
There is common advice which will be showered on you that you have to eat for two. Keep in mind that you need only 300 calories extra at this time. So you will need a little more food than usual.
It is usual to feel food cravings but first check the health quotient of your cravings. Pregnancy is not a time to pamper yourself with junk foods, processed foods etc. It can harm the growth of the baby and also add to your weight.
Your meals must include all the food groups. Include fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, lean proteins, whole grains, fats etc.
Take folic acid supplements. They will help the baby to be safe from birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida. It is present in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, beetroot, fortified breakfast cereals, fruits like oranges etc.
Dairy foods will take care of your calcium requirement. Calcium is very essential for the development of bones, muscles, nerves, foetal teeth etc. You can have healthy dairy foods such as low-fat milk, etc.
You must avoid raw meat/fish sushi, undercooked meat, eggs, and fish. No unpasteurized milk, smoked meat products, deli meat, soft cheese etc. These foods can harbor pathogenic microorganisms which can cause intoxication or food poisoning.
Avoid seafood which has high levels of mercury in it. Drinking alcohol, smoking can cause serious consequences on foetal growth and development. Drink a coffee moderately i.e. maximum of 200 mg per day.
11) Sex during the 6th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 6th week of pregnancy?
You may be scared to have sex during pregnancy because you fear it will harm your baby in the uterus. But keep in mind that sex is not harmful unless your doctor has advised you not to do so. Penetration or movements during intercourse cannot harm the baby. Make sure you and your partner are free from any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
12) Doctor consultation in the 6th week of pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 6th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
By the 6th week of pregnancy, you must be scheduling your doctors to visit to discuss your pregnancy and way forward. You can discuss with the doctor about all your questions and queries related to pregnancy.
Talk to her about what you should eat, drink, what medicines you should start with and any lifestyle changes to be done. During this appointment, your doctor will do a physical examination, check the pelvic region and may also recommend some lab tests.
The doctor will also discuss with you about your last menstrual period and may calculate your due date as well. The doctor will do a review of your health and medical conditions if any. Your family medical history will also be discussed in detail.
This will help her to plan the pregnancy process since this discussion will highlight if there are any concerns to be made note of. If you are not sure about your last menstrual period date than a blood test or an ultrasound will be done to check and confirm the dates.
13) Test/ Procedure in the 6th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 6th week of pregnancy?
In the 6th week of pregnancy during your first prenatal appointment, your doctor will discuss with you about medical history in detail. She will also assess if you have any pre-existing health conditions and what medications you are currently on.
A review of your family medical history will also be taken into account. Your doctor may suggest you perform certain routine tests such as –
- Urine test – will be performed to check any infection is present. Presence of sugar will be checked to assess any lowered sugar tolerance. Protein detection test will be done to assess the condition of your kidneys.
- Blood pressure – readings are noted during the first visit to keep a record.
- Weight – performed to get an indication of weight gain required throughout pregnancy. An average gain during pregnancy is16 kgs.
14) Supplements in the 6th week of pregnancy
Do you need to take supplements during the 6th week of pregnancy?
Taking folic acid supplements is very important during pregnancy because it helps to prevent birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The recommended dosage is 400 mcg daily. You can also get folic acid naturally from sources like fortified breakfast cereals, green leafy vegetables etc.
15) Important points to know during the 6th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 6th week of pregnancy?
6th week of pregnancy is a very important phase. This is the time when the baby develops facial features. The heart develops and starts beating and pumping blood throughout the body.
You do experience pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, food cravings, morning sickness, frequent urination etc. This is happening because of the hormonal surge inside the women body.
You must focus on good health habits and do necessary lifestyle changes. Exercise daily, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, take prenatal supplements of calcium folic acid as suggested by the gynecologist. Don’t drink alcohol or smoke.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby in week 6
How should you start preparing for the baby’s birth in the 6th week of Pregnancy?
This is a very early pregnancy stage so there is nothing much that you need to prepare. However, it is important that you take good care of yourself and prepare for a trouble-free delivery. Pay attention to your dietary habits, avoid alcohol, smoking, tobacco etc.
Start exercising moderately but regularly. It will help you in keeping yourself fit and active. Take prenatal vitamins and supplements as suggested by the doctor.
You will have food aversions and morning sickness symptoms. Make sure to carry some snacks like plain salted crackers, sweet biscuits, and water in your bag. Don’t be embarrassed if you get sick in front of others. Almost every woman and her partner are going to experience this phase and it is eventually normal.
6th week of pregnancy is important as there is a lot of development happening within the embryo. So avoid risky behavior eg. Exposure to chemicals, toxins, x rays, drugs etc.