12 Tricks – How to attract and Impress Husband in Bed
Husband is not attracted towards you and really want to attract husband then Read these tricks to impress husband in bed. When the relationship is new, there is a lot of curiosity and anxiousness as far as physical intimacy and sex is concerned. But eventually, post-marriage many couples experience that the spark is fading away. At times we also tend to forget to impress husband.
Intercourse becomes less frequent, less interesting, uninspiring and everything becomes a routine. No doubt, that marriages are made in heaven but to keep it going both the partners have to put some extra efforts.
It is not rocket science, but few simple gestures that can work wonders to keep the relationship alive or to impress husband.
There are so many things you can do if you are wondering how to impress husband in bed. The little cute things done from the heart will make your husband feel appreciated and he will always crave for more.
Ways To Attract and Impress Husband
Before that, it is essential to know that to make any relationship strong you need to have 4 different types of intimacy with your partner.
- Physical intimacy – is needed for physical attraction and arousal.
- Mental intimacy – generates responsiveness, interest, and compatibility.
- Emotional intimacy – creates affection, trust, and care.
- Spiritual intimacy – brings appreciation, respect, and happiness.
So, let’s find out 12 most important tricks on how to impress husband in bed.
How To Impress Husband
1) Update your Intellect Level
Men get attracted to women who are aware of what is happening in the world and are intellectual.
Make sure you are well-read. Read books, newspapers, watch the news and make yourself smart.
You should have your own opinions and viewpoints when it comes to a healthy discussion on any topic with your partner.
That way your husband will enjoy to get engaged in a conversation with you.
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2) Focus on your Looks
Remember the pre-marriage dates when you used to think for days on planning your outfit and makeup. After marriage women get so busy with household chores and looking after kids, that they often take their looks for granted.
If you want to know how to impress your husband you must focus for a while on how you look. Spend some time and money to pamper your skin.
- Self Grooming- Shape your eyebrows, do regular manicure-pedicure, do a monthly face cleanup to enhance your beauty.
- Neat and Clean- Comb your hair, follow basic hygiene, smell good and wear well-fitted clothes.
- Dressing- Dressing well plays a huge role in how to impress husband on the bed at night. It not only makes you look attractive but also enhances your confidence.
Don’t feel guilty about spending money on yourselves because remember you are doing this for your husband. He will love it when he figures out that you are taking care of yourselves and looking gorgeous. That feeling is going to be priceless.
If you are running short of money at least make sure that when your husband is around, you are well-groomed.
3) Be strong and independent
Be self-sufficient and don’t depend on your husband for anything. You must be financially independent and earn your own money.
Guys get attracted to women who don’t depend on them and don’t ask for help. Learn driving; finish your household chores independently so that he will find it tempting to help you.
4) Cook his favourite food
It is believed that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. If you are a good cook, then that can be an added advantage on how to impress husband.
Choose a few dishes that are his favourites, cook them and surprise him. If you are a bad cook than you can just order food from his favourite restaurant.
Set the dinner table, put on soothing music and light some scented candles to make the environment cosy and romantic. On weekends, you can also try cooking together.
5) Exercise and Burn those Extra kilos
Exercise not only maintains your weight but also helps in maintaining your health. Follow a fitness routine.
It will help you to increase your immune power, improve concentration and stamina. Don’t think these efforts will go unnoticed. In fact, your husband will be more attracted to you now.
6) Be Expressive
Don’t wait for your husband to compliment you every time. Show him appreciation, every day. Let him know how much you love him.
Take note of what makes him happy and smile and what things can make him feel loved. Try doing something unique for him. It need not be something where you have to spend a lot of bucks.
Cooking his favourite dish for his lunchbox, writing an I love you note in his wardrobe, or buying small gifts without any occasion will make him feel very special and rekindle the spark in your marriage.
If he loves physical contact than take a moment to hug or kiss him every day.
7) Express your interest in his hobbies
Men are generally interested in bikes, car, sports, current affairs etc. If he is always busy in following his hobbies, don’t keep nagging to grab his attention.
In fact, show a keen interest in what he likes. Your husband is going to surely get impressed by the efforts you are trying to put in.
This will make him spend some quality time with you. It is very important to be attentive to his hobbies and also share yours with him. Develop common interests and enjoy to the fullest.
8) Plan frequent Date nights
It is not only your husband’s duty to plan for dinner dates and surprises. You can also plan one and surprise him.
Book a table for two in a fancy restaurant, put your kids to sleep early and spend some great time together. Remember date nights are always so much fun.
Talk to him openly and tell him how much you adore him and how you can’t imagine your life without him in it. You can also give him a handwritten letter expressing your affection and desire for him.
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9) Initiate the First Move
Did you grow up thinking that good girls don’t ask for sex?? Many women have this misconception that it would sound bad if they initiate the act.
But keep in mind that man loves it when their partner makes the first move.
God has given sexual desires to the woman. And your husband is the only man who can touch you like that. So why feel embarrassed?
Don’t wait for him in the bedroom to make the first move.
Express that you need him. Wrap your arms around him, seductively move fingers over him. You must learn how to tickle his nerves and he will surely love to follow you.
10) Surprise him
You don’t have to necessarily do something elaborate to impress your husband. Text him some naughty messages when he is in the office to spice things up.
When the kids are not around or sleeping, wear sexy lingerie, get your feet into your sexy stilettos and just surprise him. Arouse him with your sexy and seductive moves. He will keep asking for more.
11) Have occasional showers together
Nothing takes up the romance to a notch up than the change of the usual location. But that doesn’t mean you have to leave home. You can get your next romantic getaway in your bathroom.
Prep the shower area by cleaning it thoroughly, lighting some aromatic candles, invigorating body wash, a few extra towels and an anti-slippery mat.
Get into the shower with your husband. Ask for his help to undress you, and then turn on the shower. Caress him, massage and take it slowly in such a way that you drive him crazy.
12) Offer a relaxing massage
After a tiring day at work, massaging your husband is the best thing that he can ask for. It will definitely make him feel relaxed and refreshed.
Take aromatic oil or essential oil in your palms and start to massage him. He will forget all the tiredness and work pressure and will look forward to a steamy night ahead.
These were 12 tricks on how to impress husband in bed.
How to Attract Husband In Bed
Sex definitely doesn’t have to get boring and predictable after marriage. Open up and talk to your partner about what you desire.
Remember communication is the key which can keep your sex life and marriage strong and healthy. Let me give you a few more quick tips to seduce him –
- Lingerie- Choose sexy lingerie that accentuates your body type.
- His Colour- Choose his favourite colour which will make you look a sexy diva which your husband will desire.
- His Apparel- Try wearing his shirt on top of it. There is nothing sexier for a man to see his gorgeous wife in his own clothes
- Dirty Talks- Whisper dirty things in his ears and he is sure to get excited. Write imaginary words on your husband’s body by using your fingers. These acts will make your husband drive crazy.
- Groom- Pamper your skin and tone it with aromatic nonsticky essential oils. This will make the skin smell good and look smooth, soft and shiny.
- Flirting- Flirt with your hubby and rekindle the excitement of the initial days when you both met. Men find all this very seductive.
- Moods- Foreplay sets the foundation for an exciting session of steamy sex. Make sure you invest enough time in it which will help you in setting your mood right.
- Stripping- Strip for your man. Put a piece of nice peppy music in the background. Remove one cloth at a time while you maintain eye contact with him.
- Take Charge- Take control and tie your man up. If you want to know how to attract a husband in bed just follow this idea. Some husbands get excited to see their women taking charge of the situations. Use some silky ribbons or scarf to tie him to bed. Make sure that it doesn’t hurt him and he is comfortable.
- Porn Movies- Watching porn together is the best attempt to spice up things. Try to imitate those moves and give him a virtual treat.
- Take It Slow- Sex is not to be finished fast. There is no possibility that you can feel good and satisfied with a quickie. You must enjoy the act.
- Options- Explore the option of sex toys and share your wild fantasies with each other.
How to Impress Husband In Bed At Night
You must be aware of his soft points and how to touch him. Man can get turned on if you touch him at below-mentioned places.
- Neck – Kiss on the front or back of your husband’s neck. It is a sensitive area and can arouse him.
- Ear – It is one of the sensitive areas which go unnoticed. Kiss on his ears seductively or whisper something naughty. You can also slightly bite his ear lobe or just have a deep breath. It will drive him crazy.
- Back – Massage his back seductively with aromatic oil. It will make sure to relax and get in the mood. Kiss his back while you massage him.
- Chest – Stoke and play with his chest hair.
- Butt – Massage his butt once you are done starting with his shoulder massage. Or just smack on it.
- Foot – Foot massage can relax him and get rid of all his tiredness of the day.
- Inner thigh – Make sure to explore the area around his sex organ to arouse him and get into the mood.
Remember that physical attraction towards each other is very essential in marriage.
Marriages last longer and both partners are happy and satisfied in the marriage. This happens when the spouses are attracted to each other.
You must feel bold and confident to initiate the act so make sure you take care of yourselves. Don’t get lost in the whirlpool of looking after your home, raising kids, finishing household chores etc.
Hope you liked our tips on how to impress husband on the bed at night.
Do try these ideas on how to attract and impress husband and let us know if they worked in the comments section below.