QuestionsI have acidity problem .. so what should I do to cure it ?
Mom of a Daughter 6 years ago

I have acidity problem .. so what should I do to cure it ?

I am 7 month pregnant I am taking some antacids to cure acidity .. so is it safe for my baby

1 Answers
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Gynecologist 6 years ago

Acidity and Heartburn are common symptoms during second and third trimester of pregnancy. You can try below mentioned tips to minimize the symptoms.
1) Avoid eating fried/oily foods.
2) Try to eat small portions of meals. Eat after every two hours.
3) Increase the intake of water and always make sure to stay hydrated.
4) You can eat ginger candies for acidity. Ginger reduces acidity symptoms and is also safe to eat during pregnancy.

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