QuestionsIs it always bad to wake a sleeping baby?
pediatrician 6 years ago

Is it always bad to wake a sleeping baby?

My son is 4 years old.

1 Answers
  What is your answer?
gynecologist 4 years ago

Hi Rajiv, no, it’s not always bad to wake a sleeping baby up. There are certain reasons and situations when you have to wake your baby up. Those would be feeding and medicine time, safety concern or dangerous situation. In your case your son is 4 years old, means he will be attending pre-school and other extra activities classes. Ideal sleep for your 4 year old would be around 12 hours. And he may or may not take a day time nap. If he is taking adequate hours of sleep in the night time, you can definitely wake him for suitable reason in the day time.
Hope this helps. Good luck !!!

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