QuestionsSecond baby planning
Planning For Baby 5 years ago

Second baby planning

Hello I am a mother of 4years old first pregnancy was through IUI…now we are trying for second baby.can I conceive naturally this time.please help me..

1 Answers
  What is your answer?
gynecologist 4 years ago

Dear Ambika Iyengar, as you mentioned your first pregnancy was through IUI (Intrauterine Insemination ) there must be certain reason why your fertility expert availed this treatment. Most common reason is low sperm count or low mobility. Please consult your fertility expert for the exact required procedure.
Meanwhile keep a positive frame of mind.
I will suggest you not to be stressed out, eat well, take care of body essentials, work out and meditate. Watch your cycle. Please refer to the following calculators from
Use these and hope for the best.

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