BMI Calculator
Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for man as well as woman. Being underweight or overweight can be an invite to many complications related to heart, joint pain, diabetes and it can even affect women’s fertility.
It is recommended by doctors and health experts to maintain weight in proportion to your height. The most ideal method to avoid all future complications and also assess your health quotient, is checking your Body Mass Index (BMI). This way you can decide your weight goals by assessing your height to weight ratios. BMI can be defined as a estimate of body fat depending on weight and height. It is applicable for women and men both.
Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index)
How to Calculate BMI
BMI = Weight in kilograms / (Height in meters)2To calculate your BMI first of all you must know your weight in kilograms and your height in metres; then divide your weight by your height squared. Or simply enter your weight and height (in imperial or metric measurements) into our BMIcalculator for men and BMI calculator for women below.
Note: There are people with a high muscle mass or pregnant women for whom the BMI calculator may not be accurate and also will not give correct measure for under 16 individuals. In such cases check with your health provider regarding accuracy of BMI indicator.
Enter your weight, height, gender and age. BMI calculator will calculate and tell you if you have a low BMI, high BMI or if you are within the healthy weight range. Also it is possible to check your weight compared to others of the same height and age.
BMI Categories- 30 or higher BMI = Obese
- 25-29.9=Overweight
- 18.5-24.9=Healthy weight
- Under 18.5=Underweight
Aim for healthy weight range (18.5-24.9) which is the most ideal.
Women trying to conceive must maintain their BMI in healthy weight range. Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, avoid fast/junk foods and maintain a healthy lifestyle irrespective of whether you are healthy weight, overweight or underweight. This will heighten your conception charges thereby leading to a smooth pregnancy.
According to experts in health field, BMI of pregnant women should be in average range and gain around 11-15 kilograms of weight throughout pregnancy. Additionally women with higher BMI should gain less than those with lower BMI. Your doctors will be your best guides. Women who fall in the obese range do have a higher risk of pregnancy related complications.
- Infection in kidney and bladder
- Gestational diabetes
- Heart defect, neural effects in the foetus
- Emergency caesarean
- Higher stillbirth risk
- Heavy bleeding post delievery
- Wound infection
However remembers that at times BMI calculator can give misleading results. Since BMI is a gross judgement of the amount of fat in human body. It does not take into account your body composition. You may have lots of fat and very little muscle. Due to this limitation, all individuals labelled in healthy range may not necessarily be healthy. Similarly, if you exercise more or are an athlete, you will possibly have less fat and lots of muscle and you may still be healthy even if your BMI is more than the normal range.
Always keep a track on your BMI results and maintain a healthy weight thereby living a healthy life.