20 Simple & Useful Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy
For a new mother, the time after delivery is a mixture of emotions. Today, we will provide you with 20 simple and useful tips for losing weight after pregnancy which is a common goal for many new mothers. However, it’s important to approach weight loss safely and healthily, considering the unique needs of your body postpartum. They are very joyful on the arrival of their little bundle of joy but have many doubts about how to reduce weight after delivery. Losing the weight that you have put on for the last nine months is not a cakewalk.
If you do not take efforts to post-pregnancy weight loss, it can cause serious consequences on your health causing chronic complications like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Many women lose most of the weight gained during pregnancy without making major efforts. It is just that you need to keep an eye on your diet and follow a regular exercise routine.
However, do not rush after childbirth to go on a diet or follow exercise routines. You must keep in mind that your body has undergone chaos during pregnancy and it needs to get healed and recovered. Doctors recommend not trying any techniques for weight loss after delivery. At least not for the initial 6-8 weeks post-childbirth. Post this period you can follow below mentioned 20 simple & useful tips for losing weight after pregnancy.
How to reduce weight after delivery by Breastfeeding
It makes you burn calories thereby causing weight loss. However, when you are breastfeeding, do not go on vigorous exercise routines and crash diet. You need to lose weight slowly and gradually. If the weight loss is very fast, your body may produce less quantity of milk. The weight loss due to breastfeeding depends upon your diet and lifestyle followed. If you are losing weight gradually, you will still be able to produce plenty of milk for the baby. Breastfeeding also helps to shrink the uterus after birth which helps in losing tummy fat post-pregnancy.
How to lose weight after pregnancy by following a healthy Diet
Crash diets are very low in calories and make you lose a large amount of weight in a short period. A new mom needs to recover and her body needs healing. Also since you are breastfeeding you must be eating nutritious food so that the baby gets all those essential nutrients through the breast milk. Try to decrease your calorie intake to lose gradually and safely.
If a mother consumes 2000 calories daily, decrease 300 calories by eating fewer, and exercise to burn extra 200 calories. This way you can safely reduce weight so that it doesn’t affect you.
- You must be feeling that if you cut down on your eating then it will help in losing weight faster but never do that. When you are cutting down on food, it can add to your stress level. Ensure eating a healthy and balanced diet instead of cutting down on food. This is the best tip for weight loss post-pregnancy.
- Make sure to never skip meals. With a new baby in hand and so much of a busy schedule, moms forget to eat. If you skip food you will have less energy and you will not lose any weight.
- Eat small portions of meals throughout the day and focus on eating healthy snacks. Instead of eating only 3 meals daily, spread your meals throughout the day so that the portion size remains smaller and at once you don’t feel heavy.
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you don’t have the habit of eating breakfast, get into this habit. It will help you to start your day full of energy and stop you from feeling low on energy later during the day.
- Take out some time of the day to eat your meals; you will notice that it will be easy to stop when you are full. Focusing on your meals makes it more likely for you to overeat.
- Eating dairy products is very important because they are an important source of calcium. Choose low-fat or nonfat dairy products as a healthier choice.
- When you choose snacks try to include healthy snacks which are rich in fiber and proteins to help keep you full. E.g. Carrot or bell paper sticks, slices of apple, a slice of multigrain toast with boiled egg, etc.
- Make it a practice to keep a bottle of water near you at places where you usually feed the baby. This way you will remember to drink water. Drinking at least 2-3 liters of drinking water daily is very important.
- Avoid drinking processed fruit juices, sodas, and fluids which have added sugar plus calories.
- Opt for healthy but low-calorie foods so that you can produce enough milk for the baby as well as lose weight. Go for superfoods like foods that are rich in protein, fiber, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. E.g. of superfoods are sardines, salmon, lean meat, tuna, chicken, eggs, yogurt, legumes, beans, and whole grain foods.
- Drink Plenty of Fluids
Ensure that you are drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water daily as they will help you in flushing out toxins from the body. It helps to prevent dehydration and also increases your metabolism. This is very helpful in managing the weight. If you get bored of drinking normal water then you can infuse it with your favorite fruits. You can also opt for smoothies, milkshakes, stews, soups, freshly squeezed fruit juices, tender coconut water, kokum sherbet, etc.
Weight loss after delivery by exercising enough
A lot is going on in your mind with a new baby in hand. But take out some time from your tight schedule. It is very important to follow a proper exercise routine regularly. Just talk to your doctor before deciding on your exercise schedule. If you have had a complicated C-section surgery, if there is pain in your pelvic area etc then it is better to discuss with the doctor about your recovery time.
Once you get the go-ahead from the doctor, and then start with basic and easy exercises so that you don’t hurt yourself and feel tired in the process. You can opt for exercises like jogging, walking, aerobics, yoga, swimming, etc.
You can go for the 9 Best exercises to reduce tummy fat after pregnancy
Sleep Enough –
We understand that it is not possible to sleep peacefully for eight hours straight. However, do not deprive yourself of sleep. Try to sleep when the baby sleeps. Ask for help from your mother, and in-laws or you can keep a house helper so that you get some time to rest.
Not sleeping enough can affect your metabolic rate which can slow down the process of weight loss. You can pump out the breast milk and take power naps. Teach your partner how to feed the baby when you are asleep. Sleeping properly helps in faster healing and better recovery.
Baby weight training –
If you don’t have time to hit the gym or if you are not in favor of lifting heavy dumbbells then try to use your baby to lose weight. The technique is very simple. Just hold your little munchkin firmly close to your chest and then do a few lunges daily. Take your doctor’s approval before doing so.
Another way to do this is by lying on your back and then holding the baby up and down.
What are you Snacking –
New moms feel more hungry than before as they are breastfeeding the baby. It is natural to look for some snacks in the house to munch on. If you are wondering how to lose weight after delivery then what you are eating as snacks can help you to gain or lose weight. Do not include unhealthy, high-calorie snacks. You must opt for healthy as well as delicious snacks such as chopped fruits, nuts, whole grains, yogurt mix, sweet potatoes, etc.
Do not take stress –
A new mommy tag brings along with it a huge set of pressure and responsibilities. It is very natural for a mother to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Taking stress effects adversely on your weight loss journey so try to reduce it as much as possible. Share the duties with your partner. Ask him to take care of the baby while you are enjoying some me time. Pamper yourself and do things that you love doing.
Dancing –
Dancing is the best form of exercise for losing weight. It will help you to burn calories as you are having some fun. Put your favourite music and you and your baby can enjoy the dancing sessions. It doesn’t matter whether you know dancing or not. Just move, groove on the beats, and sweat it out.
Skip Desserts, Have Yogurt –
We do crave sweets now and then. Instead of munching on unhealthy, sugary desserts, it is a good idea to give this craving a healthy turn. Yogurt is very healthy and can be mixed with chopped nuts and fruits to make it extra delicious. Place batches of yogurt in the refrigerator and eat it whenever you are craving something sweet. This is one of the best tips for losing weight after pregnancy.
Drink water before meals –
If you always tend to eat more than required and then feel bloated the rest of the time, this is a very good remedy to follow for post-pregnancy weight loss. Drinking water before meals fills your stomach. Sip on one full glass of water just before starting your meals. This way you will eat only as much as you need rather than overstuffing yourselves.
Cut on Foods wherever Possible –
There are some areas in your diet plan where you tend to cheat on eating foods you didn’t want. Stop doing that if you want to lose effectiveness. Start by cutting on unhealthy and fattening food items by making effective and smart choices. When you have a salad or a sandwich, skip the cheese or high-calorie dressings. Do not consume the fries or the dips. Instead, use dips like olive oil and yogurt mix, etc.
Eat early –
Having dinner early helps you in reducing weight as it boosts the metabolism. Try to get your dinner timings to late in the evening instead of at night. You can start a practice of having an early dinner between 7 – 7.30 pm so that by 8 you are done. If you have to stay awake till late in the night you can have a glass of milk later. This is the best way to reduce weight after pregnancy.
Walking –
You must incorporate walking as a part of your exercise routine. Walk as and when possible even if it involves taking your little one along. You can walk with your little munchkin in the park, take your baby for a stroll in the nearby garden While going grocery shopping, etc.
Take out some time for yourself –
Remember that you have put on all this weight in a span of nine months. Expecting that this weight will go away within a couple of months is not fair. It will take some time to shed all of that baby weight. Especially the first year is going to be the toughest. Do not lose focus even if you see no drop on the weighing scale as of now. Keep following the small changes that you have started and stick to those right choices no matter what. Do not feel depressed or feel stressed. Tell yourself that in a few months, you are going to reach there so stay motivated.
Do shopping smartly –
It is very easy to feel tempted when these foods are in front of you. While doing the shopping avoid buying all your favorite but unhealthy food items like sweet foods, chocolates, ice creams, candies, etc. This way you won’t see the temptation when you open the fridge. If you think that after seeing your favorite foods you can’t control buying them then avoid doing it all by yourself instead tell your partner to do the groceries.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine –
You may feel that a cup of coffee is perfect to get rid of all the tiredness and exhaustion but it works against the weight loss. Do not go easy on alcohol even if you have stopped breastfeeding. Try not to have more than two drinks a week. If you are feeling tired and want to drink something opt for a cup of green tea with some grated ginger.
Eat Home food –
It is OK to eat outside occasionally but stick to home food as much as you can.
Eating outside foods tempts you to eat foods that are not so good when it comes to losing weight. You can stick to a habit of not eating out more than one time in a fortnight. If you are going out carry lunch boxes so that you will lose weight fast.
Take help –
You are a new mother and it can be a very daunting role involving a lot of work. Stress and sleep deprivation are very common. Some women also experience postnatal depression. Although losing weight is very important, don’t make it add unwanted stress and anxiety to you.
Do not hesitate to reach out for help if you are feeling anxious or depressed. Ask your partner, family, and friends to help you in the house, with cooking, taking the baby’s care, grocery shopping, etc. That way you will get some time for yourself.
If you need further help, you can always reach out to your doctor, dietician, or psychologist who will offer you help.
Always be motivated –
Do you have a pretty-looking dress from the time before pregnancy which you can’t fit into now? Keep it in the front of your wardrobe so that you can see it regularly. It will keep you motivated and help in working harder towards your weight loss journey.
Always keep in mind that weight loss post-pregnancy takes time and you may not lose it in a couple of months. Going back to your pre-baby weight will take some time. Moreover, you need to do a few smart choices and some hard work that will help you. Perseverance and patience are the two keys to this difficult task so make sure to stick to your goal. Also before you start the journey talk to your doctor and get a clearance.