36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Body Changes, Care Tips, Baby Growth !
Congratulations on reaching the 36th week of your pregnancy! Know all about the do’s and don’ts at this stage of pregnancy from 36 weeks pregnant guide. It is very important to monitor your health as well as your baby’s movements. It will be difficult to catch up on some comfortable sleep. This time is very crucial and it is important to continue following your doctor’s advice on a healthy diet, regular walks, Kegel exercises, etc. 36 weeks pregnant guide will supplement the information needed in the pregnancy at this stage.
Symptoms of 36th Week Pregnancy
There are visible symptoms and invisible symptoms in pregnancy. Let’s discuss these symptoms one by one.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Visible Symptoms
The following are the visible symptoms –
- Swelling – Your ankles, feet, and hands will be mildly swollen. This happens due to fluid retention in the body. As soon as you deliver, this swelling will go away completely. A sudden and severe swelling can be a sign of a serious problem called preeclampsia.
- Vaginal Discharge – You must be checking for any watery discharge which can be amniotic fluid as well. If there is discharge with hints of blood then it can be a sign of preterm labor. You may also observe mucus-like discharge which is a sign that you are losing the mucus plug. This is a sign that your labor is very close.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Invisible Symptoms
These are the following invisible symptoms –
- Discomfort in the Pelvic Area – As the baby is shifting to the lower pelvic area, you will feel pressure down there. You must be alert to look out for labor symptoms. As the baby moves in the pelvis, the lungs will get some extra space now and you will be able to breathe comfortably.
- Difficulty sleeping – It is difficult to catch up on some peaceful sleep. You will often find yourself awake at odd hours during nighttime. Use your pregnancy pillow and cushions to provide support to the back. Try and relax as much as possible.
- Heartburn – The uterus is enlarged and there is a problem with digestive organs. This makes it difficult for them to function like before when they were not pregnant. You can avoid these symptoms by avoiding spicy, greasy, vinegary, and citrusy foods. You can also talk to your doctor about prescribing some pregnancy-safe antacids.
- Braxton Hicks – You will be experiencing that your abdomen is getting tight and will experience mild contractions. They are not frequent and last only for a few seconds. You may confuse Braxton hicks for real contractions and rush to the hospital. Remember that less painful cramps are Braxton hicks and are not frequent. If it is something more severe then talk to your doctor right away.
Most of your discomfort will be at its peak. It is natural for you to confuse it with signs of labor. And that is completely Ok. If you think anything is not normal then talk to your doctor.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Common Problems
The most common problem experienced in this week of pregnancy is that their amniotic fluid gets imbalanced. Rarely, extreme fluctuations can occur in the levels of amniotic fluid. If the levels are excessively high or low it can indicate serious problems. The baby is maintaining the balance of amniotic fluid inside the womb by swallowing and then excreting. Any imbalance in this can cause premature delivery.
Precautions/Warning During Week 36 of Pregnancy
What precautions you should take during week 36 of pregnancy?
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Growth and Development
The brain development is now complete. All the important organs of the baby are developed and functional. Lungs are getting fully developed and will be functional and breathing.
Baby will be losing the waxy substance protecting baby’s skin called vernix caseosa as well the fine hair covering called Lanugo. The baby will be swallowing these along with other fluids. This results in the formation of the contents of their initial bowel movements which are blackish and referred to as meconium.
Most likely your baby must have moved down in the pelvic region getting all set for the upcoming delivery. The movements of the baby will decrease now as there is very little space left for movement.
Baby Size in 36th Week of Pregnancy
What is the baby’s size in the 36th week of pregnancy?
In the 36th week of pregnancy, your baby is approximately 47.4 cm long and is the size of a Papaya.
Parental Care During 36th Week of Pregnancy
Weekly doctor visits are recommended as this ensures that everything is going smoothly. During the prenatal visits doctor will check your blood pressure, fetal heart rate, weight, measure fetal heart rate, etc. You can also discuss if there are any concerns or doubts about your pregnancy. The doctor may do a pelvic examination to assess if the cervix is ready for birth and labor.
You may also be checked for the presence of Group B streptococcus as it can affect the baby at the time of delivery. The doctor will examine the position of the baby if it is in head down manner. If not then the doctor will perform an external cephalic version in which the baby is manipulated into a head-down position from outside.
Changes in the 36th Week of Pregnancy
Pregnant women go through a lot of changes in terms of looks, feelings, and experiences.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Changes in Feelings
How will you feel during the 36th week of pregnancy?
What changes you will experience in feelings during the 36th week of pregnancy?
Mothers experience anticipation and anxiousness for the upcoming childbirth. However, there will be stress and fear of labor pain. Mothers also keep thinking about the baby being born healthy and tend to get superstitious.
The enlarged uterus and other changes associated with childbirth are also important. Stretch marks will be very evident on the skin and the increased weight may make you feel conscious about your looks.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Changes in Experience
What changes you will experience during week 36 of pregnancy?
This is the time when you will get more uncomfortable doing the extra chores. This is because the baby has put on weight and moved to the bottom pelvic area getting ready for birth. This will cause difficulty to urinate, going for walks, etc. However, you will be getting relief from shortness of breath since the baby has moved down and is not crowding the lungs.
Swelling will persist due to fluid retention and increased level of the hormone estrogen. Skin will be dry and itchy and will also have stretch marks. Apply a lot of lotion or moisturizer.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Change in Looks
What will you look like during the 36th week of pregnancy?
The woman looks very pregnant at this stage. The uterus is growing big thereby causing a shift in the center of gravity. The lower back will also appear curved. The pregnancy hormones have loosened the ligaments in the pelvic area which will result in a waddling gait during pregnancy. This is very normal during pregnancy and will also reduce your risk of falling. The women will have difficulty getting up from the chair, changing positions, and picking up items from the floor.
Diet During the 36th Week of Pregnancy
What should you eat during the 36th week of pregnancy?
Which food you should avoid during the 36th week of pregnancy?
Sex During 36th Week of Pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 36th week of pregnancy?
Discuss with your doctor as he will be best to advise you on this based on your case. Ideally, it is completely safe to do sex while pregnant but it also depends on your previous history of miscarriage, any medical conditions, high blood pressure, HIV, etc. You may be asked to avoid sex in such cases. Furthermore, if you have a healthy pregnancy and get the go-ahead from your doctor, then ensure not to apply any pressure on the tummy. Make sure that the positions followed are comfortable and it is not causing you any kind of discomfort.
Doctor Consultation in the 36th Week of Pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 36th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
You must discuss with your doctor about the onset of labor. Discuss what you should expect, what quick actions must be taken, how to differentiate between true and false contractions when you should call the doctor/hospital etc. Don’t keep any doubts to yourself and get everything cleared. Visit the doctor weekly once. Get checked for fluctuating amniotic fluid levels as well as bacterial infections.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Test/ Procedure
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 36th week of pregnancy?
The doctor may perform a swab test for checking the presence of Group B streptococci bacteria. This infection is not harmful to adults but can cause complications to the baby at the time of delivery. You will be given antibiotics. If there is an imbalance in the levels of amniotic fluid then an ultrasound will be performed to check the levels of amniotic fluid. Too little or excessively high fluid is a sign of some serious complication and can cause premature delivery.
Supplements in the 36th Week of Pregnancy
Consume Omega-3 fatty acid (DHA) which is a very important supplement during the third trimester. It will reduce any risk of postpartum depression or premature delivery. E.g. Red snapper, salmon, catfish, etc.
It is also equally important to take supplements of folic acid, iron, and calcium during pregnancy. Folic acid helps to reduce the risk of birth defects, and neural tube defects in babies such as spina bifida. Iron is also important to prevent anemia and fulfill the demand for increased blood flow. To absorb folic acid and iron you must consume vitamin C in the form of oranges, lemonade, etc. Calcium is important as the bones are getting harder day by day.
36 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Important Points to Know
The baby will be nearing its full term during week 36 of pregnancy. You must discuss with the doctor on how to identify the difference between labor pain and Braxton hicks. You must call the doctor if painful contractions are experienced that are five minutes apart and last one minute long. If the contractions are labor pain then there can also be intense pressure on the pelvic area, vaginal bleeding, or a change in the vaginal discharge.
Preparation Guidelines for Baby
You must prepare your body for childbirth as it is going through a lot of discomfort.
Take a warm bath which will provide you great relief and also comfort your aches in the body. Secondly, continue doing the Kegel exercises as they will make your pelvic muscles strong and enhance your endurance power.
Spend quality time with your family as this will help you to get surrounded by positive thoughts. You will not get time for yourself once the baby is born so catch up on reading books, watching movies, or going out with friends. Pamper yourself by indulging in salon sessions. This will make you feel happy and uplifted.
You should also decide on a name for both boy and a girl as the gender reveal is not going to happen until delivery. Choose a name that your baby will love when it grows old.
Keep ready your hospital bag. Make arrangements like keeping all baby essentials ready, buying a car seat, keeping the crib ready, etc.