4 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
Week 4 is still very early to find out that you may be pregnant. For 4 weeks pregnant, The baby is very minute in size to be called a foetus yet. It is not more than 1 mm of a size which is the size of a poppy seed.
4 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this Article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 4th-week pregnancy?
- What are the common problems you will experience in the 4th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should you take during week 4 of pregnancy?
- How is your baby growing and developing during the 4th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 4th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 4th week of pregnancy?
- How will you feel during the 4th week of pregnancy, What changes will you experience during week 4 of pregnancy?
- What changes will you experience during week 4 of pregnancy?
- How will you look like during 4th week of pregnancy?
- What should you eat during the 4th week of pregnancy, Which food should you avoid during the 4th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 4th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 4th week of pregnancy, What should you discuss with the doctor in 4th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 4th week of pregnancy?
- Do you need to take supplements during the 4th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 4th week of pregnancy?
- How should you start preparing for the baby’s birth in 4th week pregnancy?
The cluster of cells which is called as blastocyst is in the process of implantation during this time. Later it will be split into placenta and embryo. The embryo will begin to use these cells for their characteristic functions.
The inner layer will form internal organs whereas the outer layer will be forming the foundation for skin, nervous system and hair. During week 4 you may find out that you have missed a period and should take the pregnancy test.
1) 4 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 4th-week pregnancy?
Once you get the pregnancy test positive you may also start observing some typical symptoms of pregnancy. This is happening due to the pregnancy hormones which quickly increase inside your system.
[Check: Online Pregnancy Test]
These symptoms will be –
• Vaginal Spotting – If you see light bleeding from your vagina then don’t worry. This is because the embryo has implanted itself in the uterine walls.
• Bloating – You may feel a little swollen or puffed up. This is happening due to the hormones inside your body.
• Slight cramping – During 4th-week pregnancy, you may experience mild cramps in your tummy. This is happening due to implantation. As the embryo implants itself to the walls of the uterus you will have slight pain. But for any heavy pain, you must consult your gynaecologist.
• Mood swings – Your mood may go haywire because of the imbalance of hormones inside your system. It is seen that for the first 12 weeks mood swings are common. Later, they will subside as the hormone levels start to settle.
• Morning sickness – The most common symptom which is associated with pregnancy in movies and daily soaps. Most of the women will experience this at some point in their pregnancy. Generally, you feel nausea and vomiting feelings.
• Tiredness – As your body is working very hard for that little embryo to turn into a foetus, you will feel a lot of fatigue.
• Tender breasts – Boobs start to become sore and tender. This is happening because of the pregnancy hormones again.
2) Common problems during 4th-week pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in the 4th week of pregnancy?
Week 4 of pregnancy is the starting of the embryonic period of a baby. This means that baby’s organs have begun to develop.
During this time, your baby is very tiny and very delicate. So you must be completely away from alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc which can cause problems in its development.
You will also face morning sickness problems which can make you spend most of your time in the bathroom. But there is nothing much to worry about. Talk to your doctor if you have any problem.
[Read: First Month Pregnancy Care]
3) Precautions/ Warning during week 4 of pregnancy
What precautions should you take during week 4 of pregnancy?
Since this is the beginning of your pregnancy, you will face morning sickness, nausea and other symptoms. Take care of your health and don’t worry since it is normal. However, make sure to –
- Eat foods rich in fiber which will help you to relieve any symptoms of constipation. Ex. Sprouts, spinach, cereals, legumes etc.
- Do exercise regularly to make sure your system functions effectively. You can also join a yoga class which will help you to focus and concentrate. Make sure to tell the trainer that you are pregnant.
- Drink a lot of water which is 2-3 litres every day. If drinking water is boring then try freshly squeezed fruit juices.
- Meditate if you feel because it is very helpful in pregnancy. Focussing on positivity and keeping your mind stress free is very important. Having thoughts and fears about the baby being free of any abnormality are common. Keep them at bay and don’t panic.
- Take enough rest and increase your sleeping hours if possible. Your body is going through a lot of hormonal and physical changes so it is important for you to sleep peacefully.
- Maintain hygiene in the vagina. Since the estrogen levels in the body are high women are prone to suffering from yeast infection.
- Avoid drinking coffee as it has a presence of caffeine which can cause birth defects. Remember that caffeine is also present in soft drinks, tea, chocolates etc.
- Stop eating processed foods because it will decrease your immunity and increase unwanted weight. This may affect your sugar and blood pressure levels.
- Stop smoking completely. Passive smoking is also harmful as it can cause breathing issues in the child.
- Consuming alcohol in any form can affect your baby. No amount of alcohol has been proved safe. So it is best to avoid it. It causes abnormalities in child and birth defects.
- Avoid wearing tight dresses and heels. It is time to wear comfortable, loose clothing and shoes which are flat and avoid any falling incidences.
- Don’t travel long distances. During early pregnancy, there are the highest chances of miscarriage.
4) Baby Growth and Development
How is your baby growing and developing during the 4th week of pregnancy?
4th week of pregnancy is very exciting when it comes to baby development. This is referred to as the beginning of embryo development wherein the organs have just started developing.
The embryo will continue to fix itself to the walls of the uterus. Now the two layers of it will develop eventually into organs. The placenta will start taking shape from this week. The embryo will be surrounded by yolk sac which provides nutrition and blood to embryo until the placenta is developed.
5) Baby Size in the 4th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 4th week of pregnancy?
4th week of pregnancy is the starting of the embryonic period but the baby will be very minute in size. The small embryo will have two layers. The hypoblast and epiblast which will be developing into organs eventually.
The baby is approx 0.1 cm in size resembling a poppy seed.
6) Parental care during the 4th week of pregnancy
What parental care needed during the 4th week of pregnancy?
At week 4 of pregnancy may be you have identified that you are pregnant. The process of implantation has happened and women may notice slight spotting from the vagina.
The level of hormones is rushing in women’s body and she will also start to experience the symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness, nausea, cramping etc. Take a pregnancy test at home. A positive pregnancy test should lead you to your first prenatal visit.
[Check: Search for Gynaecologist in your Area]
Here the gynaecologist will examine you physically. You will be also sent for routine blood tests etc. She will discuss with your for any medical history or complications.
Talk to her about your current health, any pre-existing diseases etc. Don’t be scared to discuss the discomforts of pregnancy that you are going through.
You must also start taking vitamin tablets that contain folic acid and iron. Also focus on eating a nutritious, balanced and healthy diet.
7) Changes in feelings in the 4th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 4th week of pregnancy?
What changes will you experience in feelings during the 4th week of pregnancy?
You will experience early pregnancy signs such as a backache, headache. Nausea, morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings etc. Many of these symptoms are similar to menstrual period symptoms.
You will be also going through many emotional changes. This will make you feel happy and sad at the same time. It is happening because of the status of hormonal levels in your body.
8) Changes in the 4th week of pregnancy
What changes will you experience during week 4 of pregnancy?
In week 4 of pregnancy, your baby will be going through a lot of changes more than you do. It becomes an embryo now which will develop further into organs and other body parts.
As a mother, you may experience many emotional changes. Physical changes will not be too many at this point. However, the most common pregnancy symptoms will be visible now e.g. nausea, vomiting, cramping, frequent urination etc.
9) Change in look during the 4th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during 4th week of pregnancy?
Week 4 of pregnancy is a very early stage in your pregnancy. You will not look any different at this stage.
10) Diet during the 4th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 4th week of pregnancy?
Which food should you avoid during the 4th week of pregnancy?
Folic acid: You will be prescribed to take folic acid supplements by your doctor during the first prenatal visit. However, it is also important to include iron and folic acid in your diet through natural sources. Folic acid will protect your baby from any type of birth defects. The following foods are excellent sources of folates.
- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, fenugreek leaves, radish leaves, pudina, coriander leaves etc.
- Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beans, carrot, capsicum, bitter guard, carrot etc.
- Eat oranges, guava, pomegranate, muskmelon etc.
- Eat oats, whole wheat flakes, whole wheat pasta etc for breakfast which is fortified with folates.
- Dry fruits such as almonds, peanuts, walnuts etc.
[Read: First Month Pregnancy Diet]
Foods rich in iron: Blood volume starts to increase during pregnancy to support the growth of the child. It is very important that pregnant mothers include iron in their diet to maintain the level of haemoglobin in the blood.
- Vegetables: Include beans, beetroot, and green vegetables since they are a rich source of iron.
- Iron-fortified cereals for breakfast.
- Eat liver of beef, chicken, goose, mutton etc since it’s a rich source of iron.
- Kidney beans, red beans, black beans, white beans.
Vitamin C: Consume a lot of citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, sweet lime etc. This vitamin C is essential for absorption of iron in the body.
Vitamin B6: Include vitamin B6 in your diet to get relief from symptoms of nausea and vomiting which is a primary symptom during week 4 of pregnancy.
- Eat flax seeds, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.
- Light Tuna fish is a great source of vitamin B6.
- Soya and hazelnuts are also rich sources of vitamin B6.
Eggs and poultry: Eating eggs is also advised during pregnancy. They are a rich source of proteins, fats etc. Make sure not to eat raw or half cooked eggs.
Fruits are a source of dietary fibre. They help in relieving the symptoms of constipation and assist in clean bowl movement.
Dairy products: Milk is a source of different essential vitamins and minerals. It provides folic acid as well as calcium.
However, there are a few things which you should not eat during week 4 of pregnancy –
- No sugary sweet desserts. They are zero in nutritive content but give unhealthy calories. They increase your weight which is very difficult to lose post-pregnancy.
- No soft cheese, since it is unpasteurised and leads to food intoxication.
- Fruits like papaya and pineapple have to be avoided because they induce contractions.
- Avoid eating processed foods since they are been processed vigorously and have no nutritional content. Street foods also must be avoided as the hygiene level is low.
11) Sex during the 4th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 4th week of pregnancy?
If your doctor has not asked you to refrain from intercourse, it won’t harm the foetus. Some women feel less interested in sex during pregnancy.
It is possible that even your husband sex desire may decrease during your pregnancy. It is completely normal. If your partner is suffering from any kind of sexually transmitted disease than ensure to have protected sex.
12) Doctor consultation in the 4th week of pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 4th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
As soon as you get to know about your pregnancy, schedule your prenatal appointment with the doctor. A physical exam will be performed which will include discussion about your medical history and a few lab tests.
Keep in mind to talk to your doctor about any medical conditions running in your family. Also, tell the type of medicines you are taking. This way your doctor will be able to help you during your pregnancy.
13) Test/ Procedure in the 4th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 4th week of pregnancy?
Week 4 of pregnancy is just the beginning. If you have missed your menstrual period then start by taking a home pregnancy test. If it is positive than schedule an appointment with your gynaecologist. He will do a physical examination along with blood test and pelvic exam.
14) Supplements in the 4th week of pregnancy
Do you need to take supplements during the 4th week of pregnancy?
When you visit your gynaecologist for the first time, she will suggest you vitamin supplements which will help to balance your intake.
Folic acid supplements will be also prescribed if you are not already taking them. This is a very necessary vitamin to prevent birth defects such as spina bifida, neural tube defects or disorders like autism.
You will have to also start taking calcium, iron, and vitamin D supplements based on the assessment done by your gynaecologist.
In addition to that improve your dietary habits –
- Include yoghurt, milk, green leafy vegetables, cheese for calcium
- Eat fish, meat, chicken, iron-fortified cereals
- Milk and salmon are excellent sources to provide you with vitamin D
15) Important points to know during the 4th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 4th week of pregnancy?
This is the time when you can use a home pregnancy test to get a test result which is positive. Week 4 of pregnancy is the period of embryonic development in babies.
Baby is in the developmental stage and this embryo will further form organs. There will be a surge of hormones inside the system which will cause pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, vomiting and frequent urination.
You must follow healthy habits now. Eat healthy balanced and nutritious diet. Start taking folic acid and iron supplements. Also avoid smoking, drugs, alcohol, tobacco etc. Exercise regularly. If you have any doubts, queries etc you can always talk to your doctor.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby
How should you start preparing for the baby’s birth?
4th week of pregnancy is a very early stage and you don’t have to begin preparing for the baby’s birth. Instead of that work on yourself for pregnancy. Pay attention to what you are eating, exercise and avoid any bad habits like smoking, alcohol etc.
Begin folic acid supplements and discuss with your doctor regarding what test and medications are needed for you. At this time, the process of pregnancy has just begun. There are still 36 weeks to go. So focus on yourself and start with lifestyle changes which are needed for a healthy and happy baby.