11 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
It feels great to be in your 11 Weeks Pregnancy phase. It is the time when you will mostly feel more energetic and relaxed. Go through 11 Weeks Pregnant Guide, it is going to help in planning a babymoon during this time.
It is difficult to do travelling during the third trimester. So the beginning of the second trimester is the best time to plan a romantic weekend getaway to your favourite destination.
As per your 11 Weeks Pregnancy Guide the symptoms of pregnancy will be at ease, so start hunting for babymoon destinations.
By now the baby has developed to the size of a fig and is growing and developing rapidly. Most interestingly you baby has developed their little individual fingers and toes.
In fact, during 11 weeks your baby has also started developing their hair follicles. Come let’s dive into the 11th Weeks Pregnant guide for more such amazing information about your little bundle of joy.
11 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 11th-week pregnancy?
- Common problems you will experience in the 11th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should I take during week 11 of pregnancy?
- How is my baby growing and developing during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 11th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- How will I feel during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- What changes will I experience during week 11 of pregnancy?
- How will I look like during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- What should I eat during the 11th week of pregnancy, Which food should I avoid during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 11th week of pregnancy, What should I discuss with the doctor in 11th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures I should have in the 11th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to take supplements during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 11th week of pregnancy?
- How should I start preparing for the baby’s birth in 11th-week pregnancy?
1) 11 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 11th-week pregnancy?
At 11 Weeks Pregnant Phase, you will continue experiencing the hormonal surge which can make you feel pretty sick and nauseous.
But remember a few more weeks and then these symptoms are going to subside. In week 11 of pregnancy you may experience the following symptoms:
- Morning sickness – You must be tired and sick of nausea and vomiting by now. But very soon you will start feeling better. Calm down!!
- Fatigue – It is natural to feel a lot of tiredness because a lot of your energy is used in the growth of your baby. Relax as much as possible and sleep more. You can expect to get back with your energy levels with the onset of the second trimester.
- Bloating and Gas – You may feel gassy throughout your pregnancy. Just keep a check on what you are eating and avoid foods that make you feel bloated. Ex. Fried foods, cabbage, beans, and desserts. Also eat a lot of foods rich in fiber e.g. Green leafy vegetables, whole-grain foods, fruits, soybean etc. Also, drink enough amount of water and other healthy fluids. These precautions will minimize the feeling of bloating and gas. This happens since the progesterone hormone relaxes the gastrointestinal tract which makes the digestion process slow. It also takes more time for the blood to absorb those nutrients and pass them on to the baby. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus keeps growing and puts pressure on the digestive tract thereby making you feel gassy and bloated.
- Mood swings – It will continue to affect you. Try to avoid situations which can stress you out. Try doing exercises like yoga which helps your mind to cool down.
- Leg cramps – Another pregnancy symptom which may affect you during pregnancy. It will generally happen during the night and disturb your sleep. It is believed to happen when there are nutrient and salt shortage in the bloodstream. A lot of your nutrients will be utilized for the baby which may leave you short on what is required. Eating foods which are rich in magnesium and calcium can help. Include sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkin seeds, spinach, almonds, and bananas in your diet. Drinking a lot of water can also help to prevent this symptom. Also, try to have a nice warm water shower before hitting the bed which will relax the muscles.
- Vaginal discharge – Throughout pregnancy you may notice an increase in the vaginal discharge.
- Linea Nigra – This is a completely normal symptom where you will notice a dark line down the centre of your belly. It is not permanent and is caused due to changes in your hormones. It will be there till you breastfeed and will disappear eventually.
- Dizziness – You may faint or start feeling dizzy during this period of pregnancy. The body doesn’t produce enough blood for the increasing demand of the circulatory system. Just lie down and elevate your feet. This will increase the blood flow to your head.
2) Common problems during 11th-week pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in the 11th week of pregnancy?
Pregnancy symptoms will continue to trouble you during your 11 weeks pregnancy stage. You may experience symptoms like bloating, constipation etc which may affect you.
This happens because of the increasing levels of hormones.
Eat a lot of fibrous foods, eat small and frequent meals throughout the day, and avoid spicy food.
These problems are all common and normally affect women when pregnant. However, if you have any queries or experience severe signs that check with the doctor.
[Check: Second Month Pregnancy Care]
3) Precautions/Warning during week 11 of pregnancy
What are the precautions you should take during week 11 of pregnancy?
- Intake of Raw Food – Uncooked, half-cooked or raw seafood, meat products, eggs etc can be harmful during pregnancy. They can possibly harbour microorganisms which can cause symptoms like food poisoning and intoxication.
- Smoking – Do not smoke it can affect the growth and development of the baby. It can lead to defects like lower birth weight, stillbirth, lung diseases etc.
- Caffeine – Do not drink more coffee. Maximum 200 mg of caffeine is permissible during pregnancy. Coffee dehydrates the body and can cause complications like heartburn, sleeplessness, and headache. It may also cause birth defects, preterm labor, low birth weight etc.
- Alcohol – Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is also very harmful since no amount of alcohol has been proved safe during pregnancy. You can face folic acid and thiamine deficiency which in turn can affect the development of the fetus. Alcohol drinking can also affect their central nervous system, cause mental retardation, and affect heart, kidneys and even facial features.
- Drugs Consumptions – Talk to your doctor about any existing medical conditions that you have. Check if the drugs that you are using, can be safely used during pregnancy. Avoid taking over the counter medications.
- Mercury – Minimise consumption of fatty and oily fish, fish rich in mercury e.g. tuna, mackerel, shark, swordfish, tilefish etc. You can safely eat shrimps, catfish, sardines, salmons etc
4) Baby Growth and Development in Week 11
How is your baby growing and developing during the 11th week of pregnancy?
In the 11th week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to grow and develop very fast. The fetus will start to move more frequently as the growth is progressing. However, you won’t feel those movements.
- The fetal head is large which almost half of its body length is. The neck is developing and the body is also growing to catch up with the head.
- The ears will be moving towards the location of ears and the palate; tongue will be developing in the mouth.
- Nasal passages will be also open at the tip of the nose.
- The hands and feet are not webbed now and the baby starts to develop tiny fingernails. The hands will start to close and open into fists soon.
- Babies bones will also start to become hard and tiny tooth buds will appear below the gums.
- The fetus skin is see-through and will become opaque as the weeks are passing by.
- Genitals will be developing further and the baby will start to form testes or ovary. However, it is too early to tell the sex of the baby.
The fetus body is less curled this week and will start to straighten out and will appear more proportionate.
[Check: 10 Visible Symptoms of Baby Boy]
5) Baby Size in the 11th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 11th week of pregnancy?
By week 11 of pregnancy, the baby is about 4.1 cm long and 7g in weight. This is about the size of a fig.
6) Parental care during the 11th week of pregnancy
What parental care is needed during the 11th week of pregnancy?
In your 11 weeks pregnant stage, you are nearing towards the end of trimester 1.
Some of the early pregnancy symptoms will start to settle down now. You must focus completely on your healthy eating habits, drink enough water and regular exercise.
Also, monitor your pregnancy and educate yourselves on how you can have a healthy and trouble-free pregnancy. Your appetite will start to return now which makes it easier to eat healthy foods.
Consume foods rich in iron, folic acid, vitamin C and calcium since your baby’s organs are growing and developing quickly.
7) Changes in feelings in the 11th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 11th week of pregnancy?
What changes you will experience in feelings during the 11th week of pregnancy?
As per 11 Weeks of Pregnant Guide, your pregnancy symptoms will start to subside slowly and you may start to feel more energetic.
You will start to focus on something else apart from your feeling of being sick. You will start to feel a bit normal now.
Slowly, the feeling of pregnancy will start to sink in and you may feel utmost love for the baby within you. You can plan for a nice weekend getaway with your partner during this time.
8) Changes in the 11th week of pregnancy
What changes you will experience during week 11 of pregnancy?
You must have heard a lot about pregnancy glow in expecting moms. Yes, it is true and you will start to experience it too.
This happens because the blood volume starts to increase and this makes the skin slightly full with a pink tint.
Also, the hormones enhance oil production on the face which makes the skin become smooth and shiny.
[Check: Search Cute Names for your Baby]
You will also observe changes in how you are feeling and the symptoms.
Morning sickness, vomiting will become less and heartburn and constipation will start to trouble you.
The clothes may start to become tighter around the waist and bum area. This may be happening as you have gained a slight amount of eight and also because the uterus is expanding now.
Some women also notice that their hair growth and nail growth have increased whereas for some it becomes slow. Some of them even lose hair. This is all due to blood circulation and hormones.
You may also notice that your skin starts clearing up if you have got pimples and acne.
9) Change in look during the 11th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during the 11th week of pregnancy?
You will start to gain weight by week 11 of pregnancy, but will not appear pregnant yet. At this point, you may gain a little amount of weight.
However, the growing weight and the uterus will make a very noticeable difference in how you feel. You will start to feel uncomfortable in your regular clothes.
[Check: Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator]
10) Diet during the 11th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 11th week of pregnancy?
Which food you should avoid during the 11th week of pregnancy?
After your first parental visit to the gynaecologist, you must have begun to change your lifestyle to healthy eating. It has to be continued throughout pregnancy. If you have any doubts or questions you must clarify them with your doctor.
Folic acid is very important during pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe multivitamin tablets which have folic acid 400 mcg. You can also incorporate it into your diet through natural sources.
It prevents any birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc. Eat a lot of –
- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach leaves, coriander, fenugreek leaves, pudina, radish leaves, lettuce etc.Vegetables like bottle gourd, bitter gourd, lady’s finger, cauliflower, capsicum, corn, green peas etc.
- Fruits like oranges, strawberries, muskmelon, and pomegranate.
- Lentils and pulses like Bengal gram, kidney beans, soya beans, chickpeas etc.
- Eat fortified cereals for breakfast such as cornflakes, oats, wheat flakes etc.
- Dry fruits and nuts like almonds, peanuts and walnuts are also rich sources of folic acid.
Iron is also a very important nutrient that you will require. It is needed for baby’s brain development and to carry extra oxygen in the red blood cells of the mother.
If the iron levels decrease, then the baby will still be fine but you will have the risk of getting anemia.
Anemia causes the mother to feel unwell, washed out and very tired. Your doctor will prescribe you to take an iron supplement.
- Additionally, you can eat foods rich in iron like fish, eggs, dry fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals etc.
- Eat whole-grain foods such as rice, whole grain bread, whole grain cereals, whole grain pasta etc.
- Consume dairy foods like milk, paneer, curd, cheese or yogurt. Remember not to have unpasteurized dairy.
- Proteins are the building blocks of our body and are very essential for the growth and development of the baby. You must consume foods rich in protein. Eat pulses, lean meats, eggs, soybean etc. Fish is also rich in proteins.
- Drink a lot of fluids to stay hydrated. You can drink water and even drink tender coconut water, nimboo paani, freshly squeezed fruit juices, Kokum sherbet etc.
While it is safe to consume these foods you must also know what you should not eat during pregnancy.
- You can eat fish safely during pregnancy. However limit your intake of food which is rich in mercury such as Swordfish, tilapia fish, shark, and king mackerel. The mercury present in them affects the baby’s nervous system and cause complications.
- You should always be sure that your food is cooked well especially meat products, seafood, eggs etc have to be cooked properly. If you consume them half cooked, undercooked or raw, there is a major risk of food intoxication since they have the presence of microorganisms in them causing food poisoning.
- Eating cottage cheese or cheddar cheese is fine as far as they are pasteurized. Avoid eating any kind of unpasteurized cheese, milk, yogurt, soft cheese like camembert, brie etc. Make sure you check the labels.
- Avoid foods which are deep fried. Street foods, fast foods have to be also avoided as we do not know about the hygiene standards followed in their kitchens and they also have a lot of unhealthy calories.
[Check: Second Month Pregnancy Diet Chart]
11) Sex during the 11th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 11th week of pregnancy?
Many women are scared of having sex with their partner during pregnancy. They think it may harm the baby in the uterus.
However, sex is completely safe during pregnancy as well. If there are certain complications or if you have had a Miscarriage before, discuss it with the doctor.
You will be advised in such cases to refrain from having intercourse.
12) Doctor consultation in the 11th week of pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 11th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
In the 11th week of pregnancy, you will be in between doctors scheduled an appointment.
[Check: Search for Gynecologists in your areas]
Some of the doctors will recommend a few tests during this time such as CVS( Chorionic Villus Sampling) test.
This test detects any kind of genetic abnormalities. It is done in week 10 to 12 generally so you can discuss with the doctor if you want to get these tests done.
13) Test/ Procedure in the 11th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 11th week of pregnancy?
Your 11 Weeks Pregnant Guide states that by 11 weeks of pregnancy, you will be done with your first prenatal appointment.
You will have to wait for the next one where further check-up to monitor the fetal growth will happen. You must have undergone routine urine tests, pelvic exam, blood tests etc.
However, some people will be recommended to carry out genetic screening test at this time.
You can also do a few tests which help in the detection of abnormalities in chromosomes. The results of these tests can give you peace of mind.
14) Supplements in the 11th week of pregnancy
Do you need to take supplements during the 11th week of pregnancy?
The doctor must have prescribed calcium, iron tablets if he feels you need them.
You will have to also start taking folic acid supplements during pregnancy.
It will keep your baby safe from birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc.
Never start taking supplements or over the counter medications without the doctor’s recommendation.
15) Important points to know during the 11th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 11th week of pregnancy?
Your 11 Weeks Pregnant Guide states that in the 11th week of your pregnancy, you will start to feel energetic and also more pregnant.
The baby may start to move around since its limbs are developing and will be overall very active. You will not be able to feel the movement though.
As per your 11 Weeks Pregnant Guide, it is this time of pregnancy where you will experience constant bloating, gas and also heartburns. Nutrition is very important during pregnancy.
Your appetite will start to return now and you can indulge in your cravings. Make sure that you check the health quotient of these cravings before overindulging.
Talk to your doctor if you have certain questions about what diet choices can affect the baby.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby
How should you start preparing for baby’s birth?
If you are planning to break the news of your pregnancy than discuss it with your partner. Before informing it to colleagues make sure to check the company policy regarding the maternity rights and leave the structure.
This way you will be prepared to discuss with your boss about your expectations clearly.
Join a yoga class and start doing the yoga asanas. Ensure that you inform the trainer about your pregnancy so that he will recommend appropriate positions.
Start saving money. When the baby will arrive you will have infinite no of expenses to be taken care of. Set your financial goals. This way you will not have to face last-minute financial crisis.
Hope 11 month pregnancy guide will help you and all the best for baby. Please share your experience with us through comments.