10 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
10 Weeks Pregnant Guide is very much helpful for you in case you are at this stage. In 10th weeks of pregnancy, eyelids are beginning to cover the eyes and even tiny tooth buds are developing. Go on and read more you will also come across so many fascinating facts about your baby.
The embryo will be called a fetus when it is 10 weeks old. The period where any physical deformity could affect the fetus has already happened now. The 10th week is a critical milestone in pregnancy.
As per Baby360 10 Weeks Pregnant Guide, this is also the time when you can indulge in some retail therapy. Shop for some new, loose and comfortable clothes.
This is going to be your first round of maternity wear. Remember not to go overboard with your shopping.
Your body will keep changing from now on so it is a good idea to only pick the essentials.
10 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this Article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 10th-week pregnancy?
- Common problems you will experience in the 10th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should I take during week 10 of pregnancy?
- How is my baby growing and developing during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 10th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- How will I feel during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- What changes will I experience during week 10 of pregnancy?
- How will I look like during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- What should I eat during the 10th week of pregnancy, Which food should I avoid during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 10th week of pregnancy, What should I discuss with the doctor in 10th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures I should have in the 10th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to take supplements during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 10th week of pregnancy?
- How should I start preparing for the baby’s birth in 10th-week pregnancy?
1) 10 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 10th-week pregnancy?
As the baby is growing rapidly, your muscles and ligaments will stretch due to the uterus expanding.
The breast will get bigger in size and some other important changes will happen.
- Ligament pain – One of the most uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy. This is the time when you will start to feel pain and aches in your tummy as the uterus is expanding to makes space for the growing baby. Not necessarily everyone experiences them. For some, this goes unnoticed whereas some find it very painful. This can happen anytime during day or night. You will feel a sharp sensation of cramps, spasms in the lower belly or groin area. It is considered to be normal if it feels just for a few seconds at a time. If it is happening continuously or is very painful and intense you must go to a doctor.
- Bump size – The uterus feels firm and has attained the size of a grapefruit. You will feel the waistline and bust area to be slightly heavier.
- Breast- Breast size will increase and the nipples and areolas darken. This is a way to prepare them for lactation and breastfeeding.
- Vomiting- Vomiting, nausea and morning sickness are pretty common. They will start to settle down slowly as you enter the second trimester.
- Mood Change- You may experience a lot of mood swings during this period of time. Hormones are to be blamed for it again. You may feel very tired since your body is working overtime for the growth and development of the baby. You may feel drained.
- Increase in vaginal discharge – This is the time when the blood flow has increased towards the pelvic area along with increased production of estrogen. This leads to the production of an odourless, clear discharge called leukorrhea. Don’t feel gross since it is nature’s way of getting rid of any infections or bacteria. If the discharge is tinted with blood or is coloured with a foul smell or is causing any sort of irritation check with your doctor.
- Visible veins – Blue streaks of veins will be very visible. They carry extra blood to the fetus.
[Check: Search For Gynaecologist near your Area]
2) Common problems during 10th-week pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in the 10th week of pregnancy?
By the time you are in your week 10 of pregnancy, the risk of developing any kind of genetic complications is lesser.
However, the fetus is at risk if the baby is exposed to substances like alcohol, smoking, tobacco, drugs.
So follow the healthy habits of eating balanced food and continue to avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeinated drinks etc.
Your clothes will start getting tight now due to the breast and growing waist.
[Check: 2nd Month Pregnancy Precautions]
Miscarriage may also occur during the first trimester. This is a very common concern where the embryo fails to survive and the pregnancy ends.
The common symptoms of miscarriage are severe cramping, bleeding etc. Rush to the doctor if you notice any of this.
3) Precautions/Warning during week 10 of pregnancy
What are the precautions you should take during week 10 of pregnancy?
- Intake of Raw Food- Do not consume uncooked or raw seafood, meat products, or eggs. They may carry pathogenic microorganisms which will cause symptoms of intoxication or food poisoning.
- Smoking- Avoid smoking as it can adversely affect the fetus growth and development. Smoking leads to childbirth with lower birth weight, or there is a risk of stillbirth. The baby can have developmental problems or prone to lung diseases.
- Caffeine- Reduce the intake of caffeine. You can consume maximum 200mg of coffee every day. This roughly comes up to about 2 cups of coffee. Coffee can dehydrate your body, cause sleeplessness, headache, heartburn etc. It also causes preterm labor, birth defects or low birth weight in babies.
- Drugs Issues – Talk to your doctor about any existing medical conditions that you have. Check if the drugs that you are using, can be safely used during pregnancy. Avoid taking over the counter medications.
- Alcohol- Alcohol consumption is harmful and can also prove to be lethal to the fetus. You will suffer from the deficiency of folic acid and thiamine which in turn will affect the fetal development. Women can even trip and fall leading to traumatic conditions like a miscarriage. It can cause mental retardation in babies. Affect their central nervous system, facial features, heart, and kidneys. Keep in mind, then no amount of alcohol has been proved safe for pregnant women.
- Mercury- Limit your consumption of oily and fatty fish, or fishes rich in mercury e.g. mackerel, tuna, shark, tilefish, swordfish etc. You can safely eat shrimps, catfish, sardines, salmons etc.
4) Baby Growth and Development in Week 10
How is your baby growing and developing during the 10th week of pregnancy?
In the 10th week of pregnancy, the baby is called a fetus now instead of an embryo.
- In this period the tissue and baby’s organs will start to grow and develop very fast. Organs like brain, kidneys, intestine, and liver have also started to function.
- The wrists and elbows of the baby are bent now. Ankles and knees will be distinct.
- Half of the baby’s total length is comprised of a huge head. The neck will start to develop to support the head.
- Eyebrows for babies start growing.
- Jawbones will start forming and will also have their future milk teeth in it already.
- Baby’s heart has also formed fully and beats two times faster than adults.
- Kidneys will perform blood filtration and produce urine. Digestive juices will also be secreted which will help to deal with the swallowed amniotic fluid.
- If in case it is a baby boy then the testicles have started to produce the male hormone i.e. testosterone.
[Check: 10 Visible Symptoms of Baby Boy]
5) Baby Size in the 10th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 10th week of pregnancy?
Baby will be officially called as fetus now. However, it is still very tiny i.e. about 3.1 cms which are as small as an olive.
6) Parental care during the 10th week of pregnancy
What parental care is needed during the 10th week of pregnancy?
In 10 weeks of pregnant phase, the hormones will continue to affect the women with typical pregnancy symptoms.
They will cause morning sickness, mood swings, fatigue etc. You need to exercise regularly, take rest, eat well and drink a lot of water for battling these symptoms.
Prenatal care involves only maintaining the good lifestyle habits that you have been following till now during pregnancy. Make exercise and nutrition as your priority.
Regularly take iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamin C supplements which will assist in baby’s development.
It is time to upgrade your undergarments now. Since your waistline and breasts are growing continuously you must invest in comfortable maternity underwear and bras.
It is ideal that you shop in physical stores than buying online since the sales representative can assist you with the size measurements. Look for good supporting bras and comfy underwear’s.
7) Changes in feelings in the 10th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 10th week of pregnancy?
What changes you will experience in feelings during the 10th week of pregnancy?
In 10 Weeks Pregnant Phase is the time when you may possibly see some weird dreams.
They may make no sense, will be weird and strange. Don’t analyze them too much for the hidden message or meanings.
They are a means to get rid of unnecessary information that is accumulated during the day. You will become superstitious.
Also, you may get to hear a lot of negative stories, horror labor experiences etc. Stay far away from such kind of information.
Mentally you will start to get prepared for your maternity break. You may start planning about your maternity leave, dedicating the work to your friends when you are on a break, budgeting for extra cash that you will need during childbirth etc.
You are not showing pregnancy signs yet but must be feeling the extra weight. These may make you feel that you are unattractive.
In such times pamper yourself with a salon appointment, a nice body massage, shopping trip etc which will boost your mood and make you feel rejuvenated.
8) Changes in the 10th week of pregnancy
What changes you will experience during week 10 of pregnancy?
In 10 week of pregnant phase, your baby is going through many changes than you. It has entered the fetal phase where the tissues and organs develop very fast.
You may not be showing any signs physically but your body is getting adjusted to the developments happening in your body.
This week possibly you may feel uncomfortable in your clothes since you have put on some weight, bloating symptoms, the breast is getting bigger and also the waistline is becoming heavier.
Mood swings will still be persisting in week 10 along with other symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. However, relax!! As these symptoms will start to settle down from now on slowly.
9) Change in look during the 10th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during the 10th week of pregnancy?
You must have started feeling a bit on heavier side this week but you will look the same physically. Your pregnancy will still be a secret to the world.
You will be feeling uncomfortable in your older clothes. Your uterus is expanding slowly. Breasts are getting larger which will add to your discomfort.
[Check: Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator]
10) Diet during the 10th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 10th week of pregnancy?
Which food you should avoid during the 10th week of pregnancy?
In your 10 weeks pregnant phase, you must have started to eat healthy foods by now after your first prenatal appointment. Continue these healthy eating habits throughout pregnancy.
- As far as pregnancy diet is concerned iron is a very vital nutrient that you may require. It is required to carry extra oxygen in the red blood cells of the mother whereas the baby needs it for brain development. If the iron levels reduce, then your baby will still be fine but you will have the risk of getting anemia. Anemia makes the person feel washed out, unwell and very tired. Your doctor will prescribe you to take an iron supplement. Additionally, you can eat foods rich in iron like fish, eggs, dry fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals etc.
Folic acid is very important during pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe multivitamin tablets which have folic acid 400 mcg. You can also eat it from natural sources. Folic acid prevents any birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc. Eat a lot of –
- Fruits like oranges, strawberries, muskmelon, pomegranate.
- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach leaves, coriander, fenugreek leaves, pudina, radish leaves, lettuce etc.Vegetables like bottle gourd, bitter gourd, lady’s finger, cauliflower, capsicum, corn, green peas etc.
- Lentils and pulses like Bengal gram, kidney beans, soya beans, chickpeas etc.
- Eat fortified cereals for breakfast such as cornflakes, oats, wheat flakes etc.
- Dry fruits and nuts like almonds, peanuts and walnuts are also rich sources of folic acid.
- Consume dairy foods like milk, paneer, curd, cheese or yoghurt. Remember not to have unpasteurized dairy.
- Eat whole grain foods such as rice, whole grain bread, whole grain cereals, whole grain pasta etc.
- Proteins are the building blocks of our body and are very essential for the growth and development of the baby. You must consume foods rich in protein. Eat pulses, lean meats, eggs, soybean etc. Fish is also rich in proteins.
- Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. You can even drink tender coconut water, freshly squeezed fruit juices, nimboo paani, Kokum sherbet etc.
As much as eating healthy foods is important you must also know what you should avoid eating in 10 weeks of pregnancy.
- Stop eating any undercooked foods such as meat, seafood, fish eggs etc. Some of the homemade ice creams, mousses, cakes, mayonnaise may have unpasteurized eggs in it.
- Avoid eating shellfish raw or undercooked as it can have the presence of microorganisms which can cause food poisoning or bacterial infections.
- Avoid consumption of unpasteurized cheese, milk, yogurt, soft cheese like camembert, brie etc. Eating cottage cheese or cheddar cheese is fine as far as they are pasteurized. Make sure you check the labels.
- Do not eat fish with high levels of mercury in it. It can harm the nervous system of the fetus and affect brain development. E.g. Swordfish, shark, mackerels etc.
- Do not consume a lot of sugary desserts. They do increase your energy levels but give unhealthy calories which will increase your weight.
- Do not consume deep-fried foods. Also avoid street foods, fast foods and processed ready to eat foods since they undergo heavy processing and are left with no nutrition.
[Check: Second Month Pregnancy Diet Chart]
11) Sex during the 10th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 10th week of pregnancy?
Unless and until your doctor has advised you to not have sex, it is completely safe to have sex during pregnancy.
Some women may have certain health complications for which the doctors will refrain them from having sex.
Also, check if any of you have sexually transmitted infections.
12) Doctor consultation in the 10th week of pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 10th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
By now you are done with your first prenatal appointment and waiting for the next one which will be scheduled after a few more weeks.
However, if you have any questions or doubts then you can always contact your doctor.
You can also discuss with your doctor about the safety of a few vaccines and medicines that are used to treat or prevent any disease and infections.
13) Test/ Procedure in the 10th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 10th week of pregnancy?
As per your 10 Weeks Pregnant Guide, you are done with your first prenatal appointment and waiting for the next one which will be scheduled after a few more weeks. You may have undergone routine blood tests, urine tests, pelvic exam etc.
However sometimes for a few people, few additional tests can be recommended. Also if you think that a few genetic test or screenings will help you and will be good for your baby then go ahead and discuss with the doctor.
14) Supplements in the 10th week of pregnancy
Do you need to take supplements during the 10th week of pregnancy?
The doctor must have prescribed folic acid supplements for you during pregnancy. It will protect your baby from neural tube defects, birth defects such as spina bifida etc.
The doctor may also ask you to start with calcium, iron tablets if he feels you need them. Do not take any supplements or over the counter medications without a doctors recommendation.
15) Important points to know during the 10th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 10th week of pregnancy?
During your 10 weeks pregnant phase, the baby has a very small chance of developing congenital problems or any birth defects. But that doesn’t mean your baby is safe completely.
If you are exposed to harmful infections or substances than it will affect the baby. In 10th week pregnancy, baby’s organs are developing at a faster pace.
So you must avoid drinking alcohol, smoking and drinking caffeinated drinks.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby
How should you start preparing for baby’s birth?
At your 10 Weeks Pregnant Stage, you must continue to exercise regularly. Check with your doctor which exercises will be ideal for you.
Also, mention it to the trainer that you are pregnant. You can do swimming, walking, yoga etc.
Avoid risky activities like horse riding, or some sports. Doing exercise will help you tone your body and strengthen.
It will also increase your endurance and will help you in carrying the baby’s weight in the upcoming months.
Enjoy and share your 10th weeks of pregnancy experience with us.
nice post