8 Weeks Pregnant Guide – Baby Development, Precaution and Symptoms
During the 8th week of pregnancy, it is time to wrap the second month of pregnancy. You will not be showing the pregnancy as of now. However, the feeling slowly starts to sink in because of the many pregnancy symptoms experienced by you. You may have already scheduled your first appointment to the gynecologist for prenatal consultation. In this 8 Weeks Pregnant Guide you will come to know many facts.
The embryo is developing at a very fast pace. Your uterus has also increased in size and you may feel some cramps due to stretching of the muscle ligaments.
Your baby is as big as raspberry and weighs about .04 ounces and measures about .63 inches. Baby’s growing about a millimeter each day. You are almost 2 months pregnant at 8 weeks. In this 8 Weeks Pregnant guide you will also know the food habits you need to practice during pregnancy.
8 Weeks Pregnant Guide
In this Article, You will find the answer to the below questions
- What are the symptoms of 8th-week pregnancy?
- Common problems you will experience in the 8th week of pregnancy?
- What precautions should I take during week 8 of pregnancy?
- How is my baby growing and developing during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- What is the baby size in the 8th week of pregnancy?
- What parental care needed during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- How will I feel during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- What changes will I experience during week 8 of pregnancy?
- How will I look like during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- What should I eat during the 8th week of pregnancy, Which food should I avoid during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have sex during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to visit a doctor in the 8th week of pregnancy, What should I discuss with the doctor in 8th Week of pregnancy?
- What are the tests or procedures I should have in the 8th week of pregnancy?
- Do I need to take supplements during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- What is important to know during the 8th week of pregnancy?
- How should I start preparing for the baby’s birth in 8th-week pregnancy?
1) 8 weeks pregnant symptoms
What are the symptoms of 8th-week pregnancy?
The hormonal surge in your body during week 8 of pregnancy is at its peak. This makes you experience many different physical signs and symptoms. These pregnancy symptoms include-
- Fatigue- You may feel very tired and sluggish in this time of pregnancy. This is happening because the embryo is growing at a very fast pace extracting all your energy. You must sleep and take as much rest as possible. Sleeping will help you in overcoming the tiredness.
- Breast size- The breasts become larger in size. They also become very sensitive, tender and sore. This is happening because your body is getting prepared for lactation. The lobules which produce milk during breastfeeding have begun to expand.
- Nausea- Morning sickness is a very prominent symptom of the first trimester. You will experience nausea, vomiting etc. This feeling is not limited only to the mornings but can happen at any time of the day. It can get really difficult to keep the food inside you. The key to this is to eat small meals throughout the day. Keep plain dry snacks in your bag. Drink enough water and stay hydrated.
- Senses- Your sense of smell will increase. You can get affected by smells which never bothered you previously. This smells will lead to nausea and vomiting. It is best to avoid these smells that affect you.
- Cramps- Cramps in the stomach during the 8th week of pregnancy are common. This is happening because the uterus is getting enlarged. This stretches the muscle ligaments thereby causing cramps and pain. However, if you feel the pain is severe then you must consult the doctor.
- Constipation- Another common symptom is constipation. You may have problems to pass stools. This can be reduced by increasing fibrous food diet. Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fruits etc. which will provide relief from constipation problems. Stay hydrated and drink enough water.
- Vaginal sensitivity- You may notice vaginal spotting during this time. Yes, it is scary to see spotting during week 8 of pregnancy because it may mean miscarriage. But having sex at this time may also cause spotting since the cervix has become very soft and sensitive.
- Nightmare- If you get very strange dreams than don’t worry. It is normal during pregnancy. This may be happening because you are thinking a lot or because of some new anxieties and thoughts.
- Aches- Headache is a very common problem that many women experience. It can be because you are not drinking enough water, improper sleep, incorrect diet etc. Try to avoid taking any medications for the same. Talk to your doctor or try home remedies such as oil massage, lying down for a while, drinking fluids etc.
2) Common problems during 8th-week pregnancy
What are the common problems you will experience in the 8th week of pregnancy?
In the 8th week of pregnancy, common problems will continue affecting you. You will feel very tired, feel pain due to the abdominal cramps, experience pain in the back and lower waist area etc.
Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day and anywhere. Sometimes you may feel embarrassed because of constant nausea and vomiting.
Remember that we all have been there at some point in time. However, if these symptoms are severely troubling you, then check with your doctor.
[Check: 2nd Month Pregnancy Precautions]
Miscarriage may also occur during the first trimester. This is a very common concern where the embryo fails to survive and the pregnancy ends. The common symptoms of miscarriage are severe cramping, bleeding etc. Rush to the doctor if you notice any of this.
3) Precautions/Warning during week 8 of pregnancy
What are the precautions you should take during week 8 of pregnancy?
- Smoking- Avoid smoking as it can adversely affect the fetus growth and development. Smoking leads to childbirth with lower birth weight, or there is a risk of stillbirth. The baby can have developmental problems or prone to lung diseases.
- Alcohol- Alcohol consumption is harmful and can also prove to be lethal to the fetus. You will suffer from a deficiency of folic acid and thiamine which in turn will affect the fetal development. Women can even trip and fall leading to traumatic conditions like a miscarriage. It can cause mental retardation in babies; affect their central nervous system, facial features, heart, and kidneys. Keep in mind, that no amount of alcohol has been proved safe for pregnant women.
- Caffeine- Reduce the intake of caffeine. You can consume maximum 200mg of coffee every day. This roughly comes up to about 2 cups of coffee. Coffee can dehydrate your body, cause sleeplessness, headache, heartburn etc. It also causes preterm labor, birth defects or low birth weight in babies.
- Intake of Raw Food- Do not consume uncooked or raw seafood, meat products, or eggs. They may carry pathogenic microorganisms which will cause symptoms of intoxication or food poisoning.
- Drugs Issues- Talk to your doctor about any existing medical conditions that you have. Check if the drugs that you are using, can be safely used during pregnancy. Avoid taking over the counter medications.
- Mercury- Limit your consumption of oily and fatty fish, or fishes rich in mercury eg mackerel, tuna, shark, tilefish, swordfish etc. You can safely eat shrimps, catfish, sardines, salmons etc.
4) Baby Growth and Development in Week 8
How is your baby growing and developing during the 8th week of pregnancy?
In 8 week of pregnancy, many changes will be occurring in the baby’s development. The fingers and toes continue to develop and also appear distinct.
- The tail has almost disappeared which was there at the bottom.
- The tubes present between the lungs and the throat have started to grow and develop. However, the lungs won’t get fully developed before birth.
- You may not feel it, but the baby has begun to move around.
- The external part of the ears has formed.
- The eyes of the baby are clearly visible and the eye folds are developing. Retina has also been pigmented by now.
- Lips are taking shape.
[Check: 10 Visible Symptoms of Baby Boy]
5) Baby Size in the 8th week of pregnancy
What is the baby size in the 8th week of pregnancy?
In the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby is very tiny but developing and growing very fast. It measures just 1.6 cm long and is in the size of a kidney bean. The baby is moving constantly inside the tummy but you will not be able to notice it.
6) Parental care during the 8th week of pregnancy
What parental care is needed during the 8th week of pregnancy?
During week 8 of pregnancy, the mom to be must be feeling the pregnancy but it is not visible to others.
Tiredness, Nausea and sore breasts are constantly bothering the women and reminding her about the pregnancy. You need to take some care and make necessary changes in your lifestyle.
Avoid alcohol consumption as well as smoking. Avoid consumption of fish which is high in levels of mercury eg shark, swordfish, mackerels etc. Never consume raw or undercooked foods such as meat products, seafood, eggs etc.
Avoid steam bath, Jacuzzis, sauna bath etc which can increase the temperature of your body.
By now you must schedule your first prenatal appointment with the doctor. It will be of a long duration where your complete physical examination and history will be checked. This is done to gather as much information which can be used to give the best pregnancy care possible. The doctor will be also going through your family medical history.
[Check: Search for Gynaecologist of Your Area]
Your doctor will also ask you the last menstruation period date which will help him in determining your due date. He will discuss with you all the healthy lifestyle changes such as doing exercise regularly, eating balanced food etc.
If you have any doubts or queries about prenatal care than you must check with your doctor.
7) Changes in feelings in the 8th week of pregnancy
How will you feel during the 8th week of pregnancy?
What changes you will experience in feelings during the 8th week of pregnancy?
In 8 week of pregnancy, you will experience many pregnancy symptoms that will start to bother you. This is happening due to the hormonal changes going inside your body.
You will feel very tired, feel sick due to morning sickness and may possibly get less sleep.
Mentally, pregnancy is a very emotional phase in a woman’s life. During the 8th week of pregnancy, you will not have any increase in tummy size.
But the pregnancy symptoms will give you a confirmed feeling that you are pregnant in reality. You will be feeling very happy to welcome the baby. However, there will be some kind of anxiety in miscarriage.
You may also want to tell everyone the news of your pregnancy. But hang on!! You may need to wait a while until you complete the first trimester. Talk to your partner and decide.
8) Changes in the 8th week of pregnancy
What changes you will experience during week 8 of pregnancy?
In the 8th week of pregnancy, symptoms may bother you. You will experience fatigue, morning sickness, headache, abdominal cramps etc.
You may notice that your clothes are getting slightly tighter near the lower waist area or there may be weight loss due to symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
However, your pregnancy still won’t be visible but there will be slight changes which you may feel.
9) Change in look during the 8th week of pregnancy
How will you look like during the 8th week of pregnancy?
This is a very early phase of pregnancy and you will not look much different.
Some women report a slight increase in their weight, especially around the waist area. It is also possible that you will lose weight due to the symptoms of vomiting and nausea.
Your breasts will appear larger now. They will also be tender and very sensitive.
[Check: Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator]
10) Diet during the 8th week of pregnancy
What should you eat during the 8th week of pregnancy?
Which food you should avoid during the 8th week of pregnancy?
Diet is a very important part of your pregnancy. It forms the base of growth and development of the child. You must always eat balanced healthy and nutritious foods. Try to include all the possible food groups in your diet.
- Consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure to wash them thoroughly before consuming to get rid of any bacteria or pesticides.
Eat starchy foods such as whole grain roti, rice, whole grain cereals, pasta etc. - You must consume foods rich in protein. Proteins are the building blocks of our body and are very essential for the growth and development of the baby. Eat lean meats, eggs, pulses, soybean etc. Fish is also rich in protein and omega fatty acids.
- Consume dairy foods like milk, paneer, curd, cheese or yogurt. Keep in mind not to have unpasteurized dairy.
- Folic acid is very important during pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe multivitamin tablets which have folic acid 400 mcg. You can also eat it from natural sources. Folic acid prevents any birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc.
- Do not consume a lot of sugary desserts. They do increase your energy levels but give unhealthy calories which will increase your weight.
- Do not consume deep-fried foods. Also avoid street foods, fast foods and processed ready to eat foods.
The ideal food sources for 8 weeks pregnant are –
- Green leafy vegetables such as fenugreek leaves, spinach leaves, coriander, Pudina, radish leaves, lettuce etc.
- Fruits like oranges, guava, muskmelon, strawberries, and pomegranate.
- Vegetables like bottle gourd, bitter gourd, lady’s finger, cauliflower, capsicum, corn, green peas etc.
- Lentils and pulses like Bengal gram, soya beans, chickpeas etc.
- Eat fortified cereals for breakfast such as cornflakes, oats, wheat flakes etc.
- Dry fruits and nuts like almonds, peanuts and walnuts are also rich sources of folic acid.
- Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. You can even drink tender coconut water, freshly squeezed fruit juices, lemonade, Kokum sherbet etc.
[Check: Second Month Pregnancy Diet Chart]
11) Sex during the 8th week of pregnancy
Is it safe to have sex during the 8th week of pregnancy?
Many women feel skeptical to have sex during pregnancy. They feel scared that it can harm their baby. But remember that sex is safe during pregnancy unless your doctor has asked you not to have it.
If the pregnancy is healthy then nothing can harm the safety of your baby while having sex. There is a thick mucus layer which closes the cervix and protects the baby from any kind of infections.
Make sure you and your partner are free from any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
12) Doctor consultation in the 8th week of pregnancy
Do I need to visit a doctor in the 8th week of pregnancy?
What should you discuss with the doctor?
In 8th week pregnancy, you must have already scheduled your first appointment. If not, you must do it at the earliest. During this appointment, the doctor will tell a lot of information which will help you.
Also, the doctor will review your medical history, lifestyle habits etc so that he can guide you better. He will review the family medical history as well. The doctor may possibly ask you to undergo a few routine tests such as physical examination, urine tests, blood tests, pelvic exam etc.
He will check about the Last menstrual period and calculate your possible due date. He will also help you and guide about supplements to be taken, food habits, exercises etc. You can talk to him openly for any queries or doubts related to pregnancy.
13) Test/ Procedure in the 8th week of pregnancy
What are the tests or procedures you should have in the 8th week of pregnancy?
In the 8th week of pregnancy, you will have your first prenatal doctor’s appointment. It is possible that the doctor will ask you to undergo a few routine tests and procedures.
You will have to undergo a physical exam which will include a pelvic area examination and Pap smear test for evaluation of your overall health.
Blood tests are done to check the sugar level, level of hemoglobin, iron content in your blood.
A doctor may also include tests to check chicken pox, HIV etc. Urine tests will be done to check for kidney or diabetes problems.
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions then the doctor will ask to check for a few more parameters.
You can always suggest your doctor for additional tests that you think are good for your baby.
14) Supplements in the 8th week of pregnancy
Do you need to take supplements during the 8th week of pregnancy?
The doctor will be prescribing folic acid supplements during pregnancy. It will protect the baby from birth defects, neural tube defects such as spina bifida etc.
The doctor may also ask you to start with calcium, iron tablets. Do not take any supplements without a doctor’s recommendation.
15) Important points to know during the 8th week of pregnancy
What is important to know during the 8th week of pregnancy?
Week 8 of pregnancy is a very exciting week for baby and you. This is the week when your baby starts to move. It is very tiny in the size of a kidney bean. So you will not feel its movements.
Pregnancy symptoms will continue to bother you. You will experience nausea, morning sickness, fatigue, frequent urination. These symptoms will slowly reduce in the coming weeks.
Symptoms like enlarged sore breasts will continue throughout pregnancy. So it is a good idea to invest in a good maternity bra.
You must focus on regular exercise and healthy dietary habits as much as possible.
16) Preparation Guidelines for Baby
How should you start preparing for baby’s birth?
You can start the preparation of your baby’s arrival by attending your first prenatal appointment. This will be a long, detailed discussion visit.
It will help you in knowing a lot of things that you should ideally do for proper growth and development of the baby.
Don’t be scared to check with your doctor for the tests or procedures that can benefit to check on your baby or you.
I hope 8 weeks pregnant guide has a solution for all your doubts. If you have any other query please comment. we will connect you with the best gynecologist to answer them.