Baby Boy Name Starting With S

Shashi Kumar Shashi Kumar means lord chandra (moon) Boy
Shashibhushan Shashibhushan means lord shiva, moon-decorated, epithet of shiva Boy
Shashishekhar Shashishekhar means lord shiva, shash is the name of a rabbit, so the moon is called shashi for possessing a shape like rabbit. shekhar means crown-jewel, so whose crown jewel is moon, he is called shashi-shekhar Boy
Shekhar Shekhar means lord shiva, a crest, diadem, a peak, the chief or head of anything Boy
Shiva Kumar Shiva Kumar means son of lord shiva (lord ganesh, lord kartikeya) Boy
Shivanchal Shivanchal means shelter of lord shiva Boy
Shivang Shivang means a portion of lord shiv Boy
Shivangel Shivangel means angel messenger of lord shiva Boy
Shivank Shivank means mark of lord shiva Boy
Shivansh Shivansh means a portion of lord shiv Boy
Shivanshu Shivanshu means part of lord shiva Boy
Shivaraj Shivaraj means the destroyer, lord shiva Boy
Shivartha Boy
Shivas Shivas means lord shiva, another form of the name shiva Boy
Shivashankar Shivashankar means lord shiva or auspicious or lucky Boy
Shivasunu Shivasunu means lord ganesh, child of shiva Boy
Shivayya Shivayya means lord shiva, ayya - father Boy
Shivcharan Shivcharan means feet of lord shiva Boy
Shivcharanjit Boy
Shivdender Shivdender means god, lord shiva Boy
Shive Shive means lord shiva, the third god of the hindu trinity Boy
Shivea Shivea means lord shiva Boy
Shivel Shivel means another name lord shiva Boy
Shiven Shiven means name of lord shiva, the destroyer, one who maintains balance between life & death Boy
Shivendra Shivendra means lord shiva and lord indra Boy
Shivendu Shivendu means pure moon Boy
Shivenk Shivenk means lord shiva & venkateswara Boy
Shivesh Shivesh means lord shiva, shiva + ish, shiva, the god Boy
Shiveshvar Shiveshvar means god of welfare Boy
Shivin Shivin means name of lord shiva, the destroyer, one who maintains balance between life & death Boy
Shivmati Shivmati means it means the brain of lord shiva Boy
Shivohne Shivohne means god is gracious Boy
Shivparsad Shivparsad means gift of lord shiva Boy
Shivraj Shivraj means the destroyer, lord shiva Boy
Shivrajpal Shivrajpal means protected by the god king Boy
Shivram Shivram means lord shiva, lord ram Boy
Shivroop Shivroop means embodiment of lord shiva Boy
ShivShekhar ShivShekhar means lord shiva, shiva's crest, shiva's head, the moon Boy
Shiyaz Boy
Shkear Boy
Shlesh Shlesh means physical bonding Boy
Shlok Shlok means hymns of lord, verse, hindu mantra or verse of praise Boy
Shloke Shloke means hymns of lord, verse, hindu mantra or verse of praise Boy
Shlokh Shlokh means hymns of lord, verse, hindu mantra or verse of praise Boy
Shoaib Shoaib means who shows the right path, shoaib was a prophet of islam Boy
Shoban Shoban means handsome Boy
Shobhak Shobhak means brilliant, handsome Boy
Shobhan Shobhan means splendid, handsome, another name of shiva and agni, excellent Boy
Shobhin Shobhin means splendid, brilliant, handsome Boy
Shobhit Shobhit means ornamented, lord krishna, brilliant, handsome Boy
Shobit Shobit means ornamented, beautiful Boy
Shobith Shobith means ornamented, beautiful Boy
Shoeb Shoeb means famous, always victorious, prosperous, most liked, humble Boy
Shofin Shofin means josephin Boy
Shoib Shoib means famous, always victorious, prosperous, most liked, humble Boy
Shon Shon means yahwah is gracious, yahweh is merciful, old, wise, river, fire Boy
Shonil Boy
Shoolin Shoolin means one who has a trident, lord shiva Boy
Shoor Shoor means valiant, bold, mighty, brave, lion, tiger Boy
Shoora Shoora means valiant, bold, a name of lord hanuman, mighty, brave, lion, tiger Boy
Shoorpakarna Shoorpakarna means large eared lord Boy
Shoorsen Shoorsen means brave Boy
Shoorveer Shoorveer means a great worrier Boy
Shorya Shorya means fame, bravery, fearlessness, power, heroism Boy
Shoubhit Shoubhit means ornamented, lord krishna, brilliant, handsome Boy
Shoumo Shoumo means the quiet one, the learned one Boy
Shourya Shourya means fame, bravery, fearlessness Boy
Shouryaveer Boy
Shouvik Shouvik means magician Boy
Shova Shova means beautiful, attractive Boy
Shraav Shraav means attentive Boy
Shraavan Shraavan means name of a hindu month, name of a star, a character in ramayana, a devoted son, listening or hearing, monsoon season Boy
Shrabana Shrabana means name of a hindu month, name of a star, a character in ramayana, a devoted son, listening or hearing, monsoon season Boy
Shrajiv Boy
Shranay Boy
Shrath Boy
Shravak Boy
Shravan Shravan means name of a hindu month, name of a star, a character in ramayana, a devoted son, listening or hearing, monsoon season (son of blind parents; known as an idol of service to parents) Boy
Shravan Kumar Shravan Kumar means flowing, river, a character from the epic ramayana Boy
Shravana Shravana means name of a hindu month, name of a star Boy
Shray Shray means credit, marvelous Boy
Shree Ram Shree Ram means lord rama, pleasing, rejoicing, charming and beautiful Boy
Shreeda Shreeda means giver of beauty, lord kuber, bestowed by lakshmi, auspicious, bringing fortune Boy
Shreedatta Shreedatta means name of a god Boy
Shreedhar Shreedhar means lord vishnu, consort of goddess lakshmi Boy
Shreegopal Shreegopal means lord krishna, a protector of the earth, a king, an epithet of krishna, an epithet of shiva, name of a nag Boy
Shreehan Shreehan means lord vishnu, handsome Boy
Shreehari Shreehari means lord krishna, green, yellow, tawny, golden color, a parrot, a snake, name of indra, vishnu, krishna, brahman, yama, sun, moon, a ray of light, fire, wind Boy
Shreeharsh Shreeharsh means god of happiness Boy
Shreejeet Shreejeet means victory on wealth Boy
Shreekant Shreekant means an epithet of lord vishnu, god of wealth or lord vishnu or consort of goddess lakshmi, beautiful, lord shiva, of glorious neck Boy
Shreekanth Shreekanth means an epithet of lord vishnu, god of wealth or lord vishnu or consort of goddess lakshmi, beautiful, lord shiva, of glorious neck Boy
Shreekar Shreekar means giving good fortune, lord vishnu Boy
Shreekeshav Shreekeshav means lord krishna, having long or handsome hair Boy
Shreel Shreel means beautiful Boy
Shreelesh Boy
Shreemaan Shreemaan means he who is always with shree, consort of goddess shree goddess lakshmi), a respectable person Boy
Shreeman Shreeman means he who is always with shree, consort of goddess shree goddess lakshmi), a respectable person Boy
Shreemat Shreemat means auspicious, lord vishnu, revered Boy
Shreemohan Shreemohan means lord krishna, attractive Boy