Top 100 Sikh Baby Names

Harpreet Harpreet means lover of god Boy
Manpreet Manpreet means pretty, eye catching Boy
Bhavneet Bhavneet means moral of the world Boy
Dilpreet Dilpreet means loving heart Boy
Bilawal Bilawal means happy, god like Boy
Biswajit Biswajit means the world winner, the conqueror Boy
Harmanjeet Harmanjeet means victory of gods heart Boy
Buji Buji means a nick loving name Boy
Agamjeet Agamjeet means gods light, victory of god Boy
Baljeet Baljeet means mighty victorious' href='boy-names-for-meaning-victorious.aspx'>victorious, might victor Boy
Japman Japman means meditative mind Boy
Jagtar Jagtar means one who ferries people across the world-ocean Boy
Ekam Ekam means oneness, united, unmatched, brahman or the supreme spirit Boy
Agamdeep Agamdeep means beyond limits Boy
Agampreet Agampreet means love for god Boy
Nirbhau Nirbhau means without fear, fearless Boy
Prabhjot Prabhjot means gods light Boy
Harman Harman means everybodys beloved Boy
Aadroop Aadroop means embodiment of the beginning-less Boy
Gurmehar Gurmehar means blessings of guru Boy
Amritvaani Amritvaani means sweet voice, true saying Boy
Baaz Baaz means falcon, music, to play an instrument, eagle Boy
Amender Amender means people of the heavenly god Boy
Aayatpreet Aayatpreet means version of god Boy
Agambir Agambir means brave as god Boy
Manjot Manjot means light of your heart Boy
Harvinder Harvinder means god of heaven Boy
Harsimran Harsimran means remembrance of god Girl
Gagandeep Gagandeep means light of the sky Boy
Rajveer Rajveer means brave king, the hero of the land, kingdoms warrior Boy
Dilbagh Dilbagh means blossoming heart, lionhearted lit. tiger Boy
Harmeet Harmeet means friend of the god Boy
Bharpoor Bharpoor means one who is content, full to the brim Boy
Amanbir Amanbir means strength of peace, the one who fights for peace Boy
Chamanjeet Chamanjeet means victory of garden Boy
Angaddev Angaddev means in service of the original one Boy
Anantvir Anantvir means boundlessly heroic Boy
Birindar Birindar means the brave god Boy
Amanpreet Amanpreet means love with peace Boy
Brijodh Boy
Kiranjot Kiranjot means ray of light Boy
Bahadar Bahadar means one who is brave and corageous Boy
Baghinder Baghinder means tiger, king Boy
Bibinanaki Bibinanaki means lady of maternal family Boy
Chakarpreet Chakarpreet means loving servant Boy
Gaganjot Gaganjot means light of the sky, heavens light Boy
Brahmvir Brahmvir means gods warrior Boy
Binpaul Binpaul means forster of modesty Boy
Banpaul Banpaul means fosterer of forest Boy
Ramnivas Ramnivas means beautiful Boy
Ishwin Ishwin means one who praises the lord Boy
Devjeet Devjeet means triumph of the god Boy
Chraranpal Chraranpal means protection of the lotus feet Boy
Aprinder Aprinder means infinite god of heaven Boy
Jagveer Jagveer means warrior of the world, world winner Boy
Dharampreet Dharampreet means love of faith Boy
Danmeet Danmeet means one who is friendly with charity Boy
Dhanjot Dhanjot means light of wealth Boy
Jagpal Jagpal means world protector Boy
Harmandir Harmandir means temple of god Boy
Harisangat Harisangat means lords company Boy
Dharamleen Dharamleen means one absorbed in righteousness Boy
Laveneet Laveneet means soccer Boy
Gobinder Gobinder means lord of the king Boy
Darvesh Darvesh means lord of truth, holy man Boy
Jugaad Jugaad means one who is there since ages Boy
Gurvinder Gurvinder means part of guru Boy
Chanchaljeet Chanchaljeet means victory of the lively Boy
Kableen Kableen means worship to god Boy
Harkaranjit Harkaranjit means victory on behalf of god Boy
Gurudaas Gurudaas means servant to the enlightener, servant of the guru Boy
Gursev Gursev means gurus service Boy
Jitender Jitender means one who has conquered the five evils, one who can conquer lord indra or lord of conqueror Boy
Devatma Devatma means deity incarnate Boy
Amarjot Amarjot means the immortal light Boy
Dharmender Dharmender means lord of dharma Boy
Ravinder Ravinder means the god of the sun or knowledge Boy
Bimalpal Bimalpal means preserver of purity Boy
Lakhbir Lakhbir means brave as hundred thousand Boy
Dhianjot Dhianjot means enlightened by meditation Boy
Narinderpal Narinderpal means protector of a man of the god of heaven Boy
Jespal Jespal means praise of the glorious protector Boy
Dayawant Dayawant means full of kindness Boy
Jasmail Jasmail means glory with the union of god Boy
Mohandeep Mohandeep means charming lamp Boy
Ekjot Ekjot means god is one Boy
Gurdaas Gurdaas means gurus slave Boy
Amitpal Amitpal means limitless protector Boy
Gurprem Gurprem means love of guru, gurus beloved Boy
Devpreet Devpreet means love for god Boy
Kanwarpal Kanwarpal means protector of prince Boy
Kishanprem Kishanprem means love for lord krishna Boy
Shoorveer Shoorveer means a great worrier Boy
Guruprem Guruprem means beloved of the enlightener Boy
Saranjeet Saranjeet means one who attains the gurus shelter, refuge of the victor, protected Boy
Livkamal Livkamal means absorbed in lotus feet of god Boy
Gurinderpal Gurinderpal means preserver of guru Boy
Dilraaj Boy
Heminder Heminder means lord of gold Boy
Gobinderjeet Gobinderjeet means victory of the lord Boy