Name | Meaning | Gender |
Harpreet | Harpreet means lover of god | Boy |
Manpreet | Manpreet means pretty, eye catching | Boy |
Bhavneet | Bhavneet means moral of the world | Boy |
Dilpreet | Dilpreet means loving heart | Boy |
Bilawal | Bilawal means happy, god like | Boy |
Biswajit | Biswajit means the world winner, the conqueror | Boy |
Harmanjeet | Harmanjeet means victory of gods heart | Boy |
Buji | Buji means a nick loving name | Boy |
Agamjeet | Agamjeet means gods light, victory of god | Boy |
Baljeet | Baljeet means mighty victorious' href='boy-names-for-meaning-victorious.aspx'>victorious, might victor | Boy |
Japman | Japman means meditative mind | Boy |
Jagtar | Jagtar means one who ferries people across the world-ocean | Boy |
Ekam | Ekam means oneness, united, unmatched, brahman or the supreme spirit | Boy |
Agamdeep | Agamdeep means beyond limits | Boy |
Agampreet | Agampreet means love for god | Boy |
Nirbhau | Nirbhau means without fear, fearless | Boy |
Prabhjot | Prabhjot means gods light | Boy |
Harman | Harman means everybodys beloved | Boy |
Aadroop | Aadroop means embodiment of the beginning-less | Boy |
Gurmehar | Gurmehar means blessings of guru | Boy |
Amritvaani | Amritvaani means sweet voice, true saying | Boy |
Baaz | Baaz means falcon, music, to play an instrument, eagle | Boy |
Amender | Amender means people of the heavenly god | Boy |
Aayatpreet | Aayatpreet means version of god | Boy |
Agambir | Agambir means brave as god | Boy |
Manjot | Manjot means light of your heart | Boy |
Harvinder | Harvinder means god of heaven | Boy |
Harsimran | Harsimran means remembrance of god | Girl |
Gagandeep | Gagandeep means light of the sky | Boy |
Rajveer | Rajveer means brave king, the hero of the land, kingdoms warrior | Boy |
Dilbagh | Dilbagh means blossoming heart, lionhearted lit. tiger | Boy |
Harmeet | Harmeet means friend of the god | Boy |
Bharpoor | Bharpoor means one who is content, full to the brim | Boy |
Amanbir | Amanbir means strength of peace, the one who fights for peace | Boy |
Chamanjeet | Chamanjeet means victory of garden | Boy |
Angaddev | Angaddev means in service of the original one | Boy |
Anantvir | Anantvir means boundlessly heroic | Boy |
Birindar | Birindar means the brave god | Boy |
Amanpreet | Amanpreet means love with peace | Boy |
Brijodh | | Boy |
Kiranjot | Kiranjot means ray of light | Boy |
Bahadar | Bahadar means one who is brave and corageous | Boy |
Baghinder | Baghinder means tiger, king | Boy |
Bibinanaki | Bibinanaki means lady of maternal family | Boy |
Chakarpreet | Chakarpreet means loving servant | Boy |
Gaganjot | Gaganjot means light of the sky, heavens light | Boy |
Brahmvir | Brahmvir means gods warrior | Boy |
Binpaul | Binpaul means forster of modesty | Boy |
Banpaul | Banpaul means fosterer of forest | Boy |
Ramnivas | Ramnivas means beautiful | Boy |
Ishwin | Ishwin means one who praises the lord | Boy |
Devjeet | Devjeet means triumph of the god | Boy |
Chraranpal | Chraranpal means protection of the lotus feet | Boy |
Aprinder | Aprinder means infinite god of heaven | Boy |
Jagveer | Jagveer means warrior of the world, world winner | Boy |
Dharampreet | Dharampreet means love of faith | Boy |
Danmeet | Danmeet means one who is friendly with charity | Boy |
Dhanjot | Dhanjot means light of wealth | Boy |
Jagpal | Jagpal means world protector | Boy |
Harmandir | Harmandir means temple of god | Boy |
Harisangat | Harisangat means lords company | Boy |
Dharamleen | Dharamleen means one absorbed in righteousness | Boy |
Laveneet | Laveneet means soccer | Boy |
Gobinder | Gobinder means lord of the king | Boy |
Darvesh | Darvesh means lord of truth, holy man | Boy |
Jugaad | Jugaad means one who is there since ages | Boy |
Gurvinder | Gurvinder means part of guru | Boy |
Chanchaljeet | Chanchaljeet means victory of the lively | Boy |
Kableen | Kableen means worship to god | Boy |
Harkaranjit | Harkaranjit means victory on behalf of god | Boy |
Gurudaas | Gurudaas means servant to the enlightener, servant of the guru | Boy |
Gursev | Gursev means gurus service | Boy |
Jitender | Jitender means one who has conquered the five evils, one who can conquer lord indra or lord of conqueror | Boy |
Devatma | Devatma means deity incarnate | Boy |
Amarjot | Amarjot means the immortal light | Boy |
Dharmender | Dharmender means lord of dharma | Boy |
Ravinder | Ravinder means the god of the sun or knowledge | Boy |
Bimalpal | Bimalpal means preserver of purity | Boy |
Lakhbir | Lakhbir means brave as hundred thousand | Boy |
Dhianjot | Dhianjot means enlightened by meditation | Boy |
Narinderpal | Narinderpal means protector of a man of the god of heaven | Boy |
Jespal | Jespal means praise of the glorious protector | Boy |
Dayawant | Dayawant means full of kindness | Boy |
Jasmail | Jasmail means glory with the union of god | Boy |
Mohandeep | Mohandeep means charming lamp | Boy |
Ekjot | Ekjot means god is one | Boy |
Gurdaas | Gurdaas means gurus slave | Boy |
Amitpal | Amitpal means limitless protector | Boy |
Gurprem | Gurprem means love of guru, gurus beloved | Boy |
Devpreet | Devpreet means love for god | Boy |
Kanwarpal | Kanwarpal means protector of prince | Boy |
Kishanprem | Kishanprem means love for lord krishna | Boy |
Shoorveer | Shoorveer means a great worrier | Boy |
Guruprem | Guruprem means beloved of the enlightener | Boy |
Saranjeet | Saranjeet means one who attains the gurus shelter, refuge of the victor, protected | Boy |
Livkamal | Livkamal means absorbed in lotus feet of god | Boy |
Gurinderpal | Gurinderpal means preserver of guru | Boy |
Dilraaj | | Boy |
Heminder | Heminder means lord of gold | Boy |
Gobinderjeet | Gobinderjeet means victory of the lord | Boy |