Rohini Nakshatra Baby Boy Names

Viranchi Viranchi means name of lord brahma Boy
Viransh Viransh means just like strong, (mahavir swami ansh) Boy
Virasana Virasana means supreme being Boy
Virat Virat means massive, very big, giant proportioned, majestic Boy
Virbhadra Virbhadra means the ashwamedha horse Boy
Virbhadrasinh Boy
Virbhanu Virbhanu means very strong Boy
Viren Viren means lord of warriors Boy
Virender Virender means name of lord indra Boy
Virendra Virendra means lord of courageous men, brave lord Boy
Viresh Viresh means brave lord, the king of all warriors, king of all heroes Boy
Vireshvar Vireshvar means lord shiva, chief of heroes, name of shiva or veerabhadra Boy
Virik Virik means brave Boy
Virikt Virikt means cleansed, purified Boy
Virikvas Virikvas means lord indra Boy
Virinchi Virinchi means lord brahma, illuminating, name of brahma, name of vishnu, name of shiva Boy
Viritha Boy
Virochan Virochan means moon, fire, brilliant, illuminating, another name for surya and vishnu Boy
Viroh Viroh means growing out, shooting forth, healing Boy
Virohan Virohan means budding Boy
Virohin Virohin means sprouting, budding Boy
Virok Virok means a ray of light, shining Boy
Virom Virom means with gods power Boy
Viroop Viroop means shapely, diverse, changed, variegated Boy
Viroopaksh Viroopaksh means lord shiva, virupa means no form, and aksha means eyes, it means eyes without the form Boy
Virshahi Boy
Virudh Virudh means opposition Boy
Viruj Viruj means in good health, healthy Boy
Virun Virun means son of lord krishna Boy
Virup Virup means shapely, diverse, changed, variegated Boy
Virupaksh Virupaksh means lord shiva, virupa means no form, and aksha means eyes, it means eyes without the form Boy
Virurch Virurch means the holy trinity Boy
Virya Virya means valour, strength, energy Boy
Visaalaaksha Visaalaaksha means one of the kauravas Boy
Visagan Visagan means lord muruga and lord vishnu Boy
Visamaksh Visamaksh means lord shiva, vish - poison, aksh - eyes Boy
Visarg Boy
Visesh Visesh means particular Boy
Vish Vish means poison Boy
Vishaakan Vishaakan means lord murugan, having spreading branches, name of kartikeya, a solicitor, name of shiva Boy
vishaal vishaal means huge, broad, great, substantial, important, powerful, eminent Boy
Vishad Vishad means vishtrata- enlarge, apparent, calm, gentle, happy, white, brilliant Boy
Vishagan Vishagan means lord muruga and lord vishnu Boy
Vishak Vishak means lord shiva, having spreading branches, name of kartikeya, a solicitor, name of shiva Boy
Vishakan Vishakan means lord murugan, having spreading branches, name of kartikeya, a solicitor, name of shiva Boy
Vishakh Vishakh means lord kartikeya, having spreading branches, name of kartikeya, a solicitor, name of shiva Boy
Vishal Vishal means huge, broad, great, substantial, important, powerful, eminent Boy
Vishalaksh Vishalaksh means large eyed Boy
Vishaleaswar Boy
Vishamp Vishamp means guardian Boy
Vishan Vishan means lord shiva, chief or best of a class or kind Boy
Vishank Vishank means once who has not fear shank - fear Boy
Vishant Vishant means another name of lord vishnu Boy
Vishantak Vishantak means lord shiva, poison destroying Boy
Vishanth Vishanth means another name of lord vishnu Boy
Vishaq Vishaq means lord shiva, having spreading branches, name of kartikeya, a solicitor, name of shiva Boy
Visharad Visharad means lord shiva, learned, wise, skilful, famous, confident, bold, name of shiva Boy
Vishatan Vishatan means lord vishnu, setting free, delivering, name of vishnu Boy
Vishavam Vishavam means universal Boy
Vishesh Vishesh means special, best Boy
Visheta Visheta means self control having complete control on all the senses Boy
Vishikh Vishikh means arrow Boy
Vishit Vishit means free, released Boy
Vishlesh Vishlesh means another name of lord shiva Boy
Vishnahpu Vishnahpu means lord vishnu, as pure as vishnu Boy
Vishnav Vishnav means another name of lord vishnu Boy
Vishnu Vishnu means lord vishnu, root, to pervade, the preserver of the hindu holy trinity, has ten incarnations including raam, krishna and buddha (hindu lord; rama is considered as eighth incarnation of lord vishnu) Boy
Vishnu Vallabh Vishnu Vallabh means lord vishnu, root, to pervade beloved, dear Boy
Vishnudev Vishnudev means god Boy
Vishnudutt Vishnudutt means gift of lord vishnu Boy
VishnuNarayan VishnuNarayan means the lord vishnu Boy
Vishnupad Vishnupad means lotus Boy
Vishodhan Vishodhan means lord vishnu, the act of purifying, freeing from defect, one who finds own soul and self, name of vishnu Boy
Vishok Vishok means happy, without grief, free of sorrow Boy
Vishraj Vishraj means king of the world Boy
Vishram Vishram means rest, calm Boy
Vishrant Vishrant means rested, reposed, calm, camposed Boy
Vishravan Vishravan means another name of kubera Boy
Vishresh Vishresh means the holy trinity Boy
Vishrudh Vishrudh means shiva; lord vishnu Boy
Vishrut Vishrut means celebrated or renowned, much heard of, famous, pleased, delighted, happy, son of vasudeva (brahma purana, lord vishnu) Boy
Vishruth Vishruth means celebrated or renowned, much heard of, famous, pleased, delighted, happy, son of vasudeva (brahma purana, lord vishnu) Boy
Vishtap Vishtap means lord vishnu, highest part Boy
Vishtrit Boy
Vishu Vishu means lord vishnu; poison; earth Boy
Vishuddh Vishuddh means pure, worthy, honest Boy
Vishup Vishup means equinox Boy
Vishv Vishv means universe Boy
Vishvach Vishvach means universally present, omnipresent Boy
Vishvadev Vishvadev means lord of the universe Boy
Vishvadhar Vishvadhar means lord vishnu, the one who bears the universe Boy
Vishvaditya Vishvaditya means sun of vishva Boy
Vishvag Vishvag means lord brahma, going everywhere, name of brahma Boy
Vishvahetu Vishvahetu means lord vishnu, cause of the universe Boy
Vishvajit Vishvajit means one who conquers the universe Boy
Vishvak Vishvak means all prevading, a sage, another name of lord vishnu Boy
Vishvakarma Vishvakarma means architect of the universe Boy
Vishvakesh Boy
Vishvaketu Vishvaketu means an epithet of aniruddh Boy
Vishvaksen Vishvaksen means another name of lord vishnu Boy